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Wednesday, August 5, 2020

1st August Wednesday...

Not in the best place this morning.   It's a grey morning in August.   I think this Winter is going to suck for me.   It's the 2nd night without the neighbor's light & the neighborhood is pitch black without it.  Some local asshats were causing a lot of noise until late last night.  I wish seriously bad things on them.  Neither my roomie or myself have felt that good in a bit.  I think it's due to the weather changes, light levels & general ick everyone's dealing with since COVID.  

I read an article about a women from Georgia being charged for not revealing her HIV status to her lovers.  A lot of people will scream  she shouldn't have to reveal her status.  I disagree.  IMO, she committed a serious assault on these people.  However,  they should've insisted on condoms.  If you're infectious, you have a responsibility not to infect.  If you're not infected, you have a responsibility to yourself to remain that way.  Neither are difficult concepts.

That's all for now, take care.


PS - The new Blogger layout is ugly & awkward.

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