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Monday, August 31, 2020

Goodbye August & 53...


August is almost out the door.  So is my 53rd year.  I'm trying to make the most of it, but it's not easy with the way things with COVID.  Add to that, it's been raining off & on for 36 hours & doesn't look to stop anytime soon.   I would've liked a shiny, bright morning, but instead it's this.   My actual birthday is looking to be the same.  

Alright 54, I'd really like to have a better year.  Being 53 sort of sucked.  Precious little went well.  Most of that had nothing to do with me, but there was that pneumonia or whatever it was in December.  I've not felt exactly the same since.  

My hopes for this year are easy.  I'd like to be a little more prosperous.  I'd like me & those around me to have good health.  I'd like better weather.  I'd like less drama.  I'd like better people running the show & less crazies running amok.  

Too bad, there's little I can do to alter most of that.  But it's called "hoping for" & not "making it happen."  It's too bad hope is not a plan.

Goodbye August you were an alright month, even if weird.  Goodbye 53, I wish things could've gone better this year.  Seems like all I'm good at is wishes & hopes.  Look where those got me.  

Take care.


Sunday, August 30, 2020

Missing & Rehashed...


When I went looking for articles, there weren't many that hadn't been there before.  Those with new date stamps, still weren't new.  The top 10 articles were either reposts with new dates or very obvious rewrites of articles I've looked at before.  I'd written about every topic they covered at least twice.   

August is almost gone.  The recent heat  gave way to rain yesterday.   Some areas got hit by more serious storms than we did.  It rained most the night.  It's  rained close to an 1" since yesterday.   We've long passed the month's rain average.  I don't know if it will hold, but the current 10 day forecast has no 90s in it & several days in the 70s.  The AC may be done for the season.   I hope we don't cool down to quickly.  I'm not ready for cold drear.

Take care.


Saturday, August 29, 2020

Heat Hurrah...


It got hot yesterday & looks to do so again today.   It might rain later in the day & through the night.  That will be probably be the end of the 90s for us, possibly for the season.   I don't mind the 90's.  I mind them mixed with high humidity.   Yesterday was muggy, so is this morning.  I have a project I wanted to handle  today.  That may not happen.  I may wait until it's cooler.  At least it was a bright morning.


Friday, August 28, 2020

Final August Friday...


August is nearly over.  There's only 3 more days & then it's my birthday.  I have no idea what I want to do.  There aren't a lot of options.

I have a wish though.  This goes for all the people who refused to cooperate & allowed/encouraged COVID to spread farther.  They should just disappear & never bother anyone ever again.  It might not be a happily ever after,  but as close to it as we'd ever get.  That would be my birthday wish.

Maybe that's not the nicest wish, but it'd be the kindest to everyone else.   We're tired of this situation.  Anything or anyone making it last longer is problematic & should be handled appropriately.  


Thursday, August 27, 2020

Boggling Elite...


This just 1 of many  articles I found over the concept,  'Elite Controllers.'  These are people, who due to some characteristics of their biology/genetics may contract HIV & not progress on to AIDS.  These 'Long Term Nonprogressors' somehow control the virus without  medications or other therapies.  They maintain low viral loads & healthy CD4 counts.  

These people are rare.  This condition is not always permanent & some will progress into AIDS.  I can't find anything detailing how likely they are to transmit the virus.   Researchers are studying this now, but have only managed to find a small sample to examine.  Again, this is very rare. However, studying these people, may give some insight into another means to combat HIV.


Wednesday, August 26, 2020

Serious Greydom...


It's really dark this morning.  Much darker & I'll have to resort to the lamp with the daylight bulbs in it.   Whatever hurricane's in the gulf is actually having an affect on us this time.  It's supposed to rain today & tomorrow.  It may be a lot of rain.  

This is about for now.  It's darker than it's been in months & hard for me to wake up.  There weren't any new articles.   It's trash day & we have some errands.  Other than that, we're here all day.


Tuesday, August 25, 2020

Nowhere On Tuesday...


As far as I know, we have nothing to do today, no errands or running anywhere.  I'm glad.  I know we don't do much, but our schedule's been a little full.  It wouldn't be bad if my allergies weren't being awful, masks didn't need to be worn & people weren't being jerks.  But there is all of that & more.  The weather & light levels are off.  People are burning stuff & the neighbors are being louder than usual.  Most of this will pass.  For now, I'm a bit spent & need a day to recoup. 

That's all for now, take care.


Monday, August 24, 2020

Another Monday In August...


Other than horrid allergies thanks to ragweed, this is nice morning.  Nothing is going on.  We'll go shopping in a bit.  Besides that, there's not much on the to-do list.  It got warmer yesterday & the ragweed revved up.   Allergies are giving me a lot of small nose bleeds.  I hate that, it's annoying & itchy.   There's some rain chances midweek, maybe that will knock the ragweed back a bit.  It'd be nice.

Take care.


Sunday, August 23, 2020



We had a simple errand to run yesterday, but easy isn't something we do well.   Between the car suddenly demanding an oil change, idiot drivers, lots of people, etc...  We arrived an hour later than expected.   Running late & irritated sums up our trip.  

When we got back, I noticed a mistake I'd made.  It would only be fixable by returning to the store & exchanging what I'd bought.  Problem, there wasn't a better option.  I think we have a fix.   Hopefully, the rest of this project will go smoothly.

Take care.


Saturday, August 22, 2020



Going to be honest, this article is a little headier than those I usually post.  It's not too jargon heavy, but fairly into the mechanics of how this new drug works to fight HIV.  

Scientists from the University  of Utah & the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) are looking into a drug being referred to as CPT31.  This approach is an injection of a long acting medication meant to interfere with the virus's fusion. These fusion inhibitors also known as entry inhibitors are among the newest approaches in the fight against HIV.   Simply, they block integration of HIV into host cells.  

This is a long read compared to most articles, but it is interesting.  Approaches like this could be the future of the fight against HIV.  We could eventually see the end of traditional pharmaceuticals being used as the primary approach.   Give this a read.


Friday, August 21, 2020

Another August Friday ...


August is past the midpoint. It's supposed to warm up a bit.  I'm glad, the bugs are revving up as bad as the ragweed.   Even without COVID, this would've been a weird Summer.  The weather & light were off, it was more like a hot Autumn. 

Still trying to figure what, if anything, will happen on my birthday.  I don't mind if it gets postponed, but I'd like it to be in the month.  That may not be possible.   I'm really sick of people making this corona situation last longer than it should have.

My telemedicine appointment went fine.  I forgot to post about that yesterday.   We have shopping in a bit.  There's some things we want to look at.  That's about as far as our plans go so far today.

Take care.


Thursday, August 20, 2020

Southern HIV/AIDS Awareness Day...


August 20, 2020 marks the 2nd annual Southern HIV/AIDS Awareness Day.  This article details some points regarding the event, development & info leading to the day.  This map says a lot.

Southern Solution's page has a lot about the matter.  It also details this groups efforts to aid in the fight against HIV.  Give it a look.  Both sites deserve a read.


Wednesday, August 19, 2020

Too Early...


I'm up early.  I have a telemedicine appointment in a bit.  My fingers are protesting & refusing to hit the right keys.  Hopefully, this will be typical & brief.   We have other things to tend to today.  

Sorry so brief, but that's it for this morning. Take care.


Tuesday, August 18, 2020

The Enemy is Back...


Ragweed is back.  The devil-weed has been poking around for a bit, it's in full swing now.  The whole ENT thing is a mess.  My sinuses are jacked.  My eyes are itchy & fuzzy.  Even my ears feel impacted by this hell-pollen.  Other allergens may get to me, the burning in my area drives me nuts, but ragweed, to paraphrase Cartman,  "It's a super King Kamehameha biyotch."  I'm almost to taking allergy pills.  But, I'm already so dried out, I'm having minor nose bleeds.  I'll hold off on the Claritin as long as I can.

Other than allergies, the muggy days have been the hardest thing about August.  Yesterday, was cooler, but more humid.  It wasn't fun.    

I have an appointment in the morning.  It should be fairly standard.  Then I can get home & handle trash.  Yeah!

That's all, take care.


PS - The CC bill I had been worried about showing up, had arrived, they just hadn't posted it.  Chase was just being a lazy ass & making me worry.  They had for it  almost 4 days before they posted. 

Monday, August 17, 2020

3rd Monday In August...


I woke to a bright morning & it was nice.  There isn't much going on here.  The articles were scarce.  I called to confirm my telemedicine appointment on Wednesday.   I'm stressing a little about a bill I sent in not arriving yet.  Hopefully, it will today or tomorrow.  If not, I have a plan.  I hate the mail's being screwed with, ours was already messed up.   Hopefully, this will be a quiet week.


PS - to all the muckrakers & pot stirrers, be a dear & drop over already.  

Sunday, August 16, 2020

Little August...


It got hotter yesterday.  That's alright, it also got rid of some of the humidity.  If the forecast is right, today could be the last day in the 90's for a bit.  I'm not happy about that.   Muggy 80s are far worse than dry 90s.   But forecasts change on a dime.  It's decently bright this morning.  That's good.  Still, I'm waking up slower & that's not.  

The neighbors across the street are still prepping their house for sell.   Yesterday, they had an old man doing yard work while using a walker.  It wasn't a good idea.  Our yards are uneven.  Also, it was hot & he was alone.  I tried to look out every once in a while.  Maybe, it's the best they could do, but it wasn't safe.

It seems a lot of people are in a place to make a lot choices between this bad, that bad & a worse option.  

Take care.


Saturday, August 15, 2020

Middle Yick...


Yesterday wasn't horribly hot, but it wasn't cool either.  It was right in the middle of yick.  Not hot enough for the AC to help much, but too warm to get comfortable.   The main culprit was humidity.  

Adding to it, was the air quality.   People across the street were tore out decades old carpets.  The town keeps burning things & the smoke blows towards our area.  People were mowing.  The worst of issue was that ragweed is back.  

We weren't comfortable yesterday.  It was difficult on the eyes & breathing.  It wrecked my stomach & digestion.  Cooler, evening temps were very welcomed & needed.

Summer needs to be Summer.  It should be hot & bright.  It should kill off bugs & grass.  There shouldn't be these ballistic levels of humidity & overcast skies.  It's August, not October, act like it.


Friday, August 14, 2020

Mid Friday...


It's mid August & it looks like late October.   It's supposed to get hot today.  Maybe it'll burn off some these clouds & humidity.  We'll go shopping in a bit.  It's about the only thing we do anymore.  I'm really burned out.  It's not like we did a lot before COVID, but occasionally we did.  Now, there's nothing & I'm tired of it.   This could've been over, but some people get themselves butthurt over masks,  plandemics, rallies & protests.   I hope those people drop over from this crap.

Take care.


Thursday, August 13, 2020

Dismal Thursday....


Another trash day has come & gone.  I woke to a grey morning.  It's lightly raining & looks to stay that way.    I'm sick of grey skies.  At least we're past our monthly rain average.  It's 8 in the morning & looks like it should be that time in the evening.  It's hard to believe it, but 2020 it looking to be worse than 2019.  For some time, the years have been in a competition to be worse than their predecessor.  Maybe 2021 will alter course & decide to be better, not holding my breath.


Wednesday, August 12, 2020

Fake August...


August has acted late September, maybe even early October.  There've been hot days, but mostly overly warm & muggy.  Bright skies have been outnumbered by overcast.  It rained a lot yesterday, over 1.5".  It's still grey out, but the rain chances have dropped.  

When I looked out, I saw mounds.  Fire ants love rain, it softens the ground for them.  So, it was ant patrol.  Of course, Windows had to update.  My morning got burnt again, by non-me stuff.

This morning I hate grey skies, fire ants & damnedable Windows.


Tuesday, August 11, 2020

Ugh Grey...


It's yellowish grey this morning.  It's drizzling & might storm in a bit.  I'm tired of the drear & it's only August.  It's exhausting.  I spend my day trying to get past my morning.  Only to have it repeat.   

I need a place with more sun., but it'd be expensive, hot, humid & filled with conservatives.  There's a cold-blooded variety of conservatives that only survives in the hot places.  Or else they need a hot rock.  


Monday, August 10, 2020

Not So Hot...


I'm not feeling that well this morning.  It's probably just the switch back to being hot that's getting to me.   I'm a little dehydrated & annoyed.  I'm still not sure about all my lab work.   The viral load test is posting.  I need to figure if it didn't post, is running late or needs a redraw.  Back to the hospital I go, at least to records.  Oh well, has to be done.

That's it for this morning, take care.


Sunday, August 9, 2020


The heat returned yesterday, but it is Summer.   It was nice to have some light again, but it's already fading into Fall.   This Summer has sucked.

I will probably have to have a redraw on a lab test.  I had them drawn on the 3rd, but a test hasn't shown up yet.  I call tomorrow & see if it's just not posted or they screwed up again.  I hate it when this happens.  

Heat & incompetence have returned.  I guess I should have expected both of them.  It gets exhausting when everyone around insists on performing at stupidly poor levels.  


Saturday, August 8, 2020



There are articles about how many people express being uncomfortable with the idea of having an HIV+ person in their lives or even near them.   These authors express surprise to find the numbers are still high, 50+%.

Some think there's a magical device that can mystically wave this negativity away.   There isn't.  Every fringe group, including those HIV+, have fought stigma forever.  It doesn't go away.  

The problem isn't just making people aware of the realities of HIV.    You aren't the only source of education they're receiving.   For every neutral or positive  point made about HIV, some other group is countering with ignorance, stupidity, fear & hate.    This isn't an issue of education.  It's a war against those who want something hate & demean.  For some, stigma comes from ignorance.  But, for many it comes from loathing.  No amount of education is going to undo that.

Stigma is a massive problem.  It will remain so & as of yet, I've seen no way to counter it.  Every minority group has faced stigma.  I doubt any feel it's really lessened.  This isn't a battle of the mind & information.  It's war of emotions & negativity.   I'm not sure what can be done.


Friday, August 7, 2020

Good OpEd...


I don't usually blog about OpEd's.  Most are just rants with little information.  This piece is a welcome surprise.  It's from the Atlanta Journal Constitution.  Let's start with this:

OPINION: HIV epidemic won’t end if women are left out of clinical trials...

This article details a reason why the HIV epidemic remains so prevalent.   Little research has been or is being conducted with biological women.  Most HIV research is conducted using subjects that male or born male.  

Of the estimated 38 million people living with HIV around the world, more than half are women. What’s more, AIDS is the leading cause of death among women of reproductive age.

The author writes about the lack of involvement women have had in medical research.  It's bad for all women, but worse for those of color or living in impoverished parts of the world.  

I've wrote about this before.  When are researchers going to recognize the necessity for the inclusion of actual women in their work?  Until then, medical research has been purposely hobbled.



Thursday, August 6, 2020

Article Issues....

There are a lot issues with blogging over HIV articles.  Finding them can be the biggest problem.  Then there are the repeats, rehashes & the OpEd's.  There are a lot of paywalls.  Which I find offensive when dealing with medical information.  

I guess the most annoying, is the non-article.  A piece that promises something & never delivers.   It's an abstract, too brief or merely the barest brush over of an interesting topic.  I find an example of the latter.  It was a piece over HIV & children's cavities.  It was supposed to make the point that suppression of oral biota was the causal agent not HIV, itself.   The article was too brief to make a good point, to support its argument or deal with the fact HIV is probably what caused the decline in oral biota that led to the cavities.  It could've been a good read.

Finding well written articles isn't easy.  They aren't as common as they were & even less so with COVID happening.   Still, keeping up to date is important when you're HIV+.


Wednesday, August 5, 2020

1st August Wednesday...

Not in the best place this morning.   It's a grey morning in August.   I think this Winter is going to suck for me.   It's the 2nd night without the neighbor's light & the neighborhood is pitch black without it.  Some local asshats were causing a lot of noise until late last night.  I wish seriously bad things on them.  Neither my roomie or myself have felt that good in a bit.  I think it's due to the weather changes, light levels & general ick everyone's dealing with since COVID.  

I read an article about a women from Georgia being charged for not revealing her HIV status to her lovers.  A lot of people will scream  she shouldn't have to reveal her status.  I disagree.  IMO, she committed a serious assault on these people.  However,  they should've insisted on condoms.  If you're infectious, you have a responsibility not to infect.  If you're not infected, you have a responsibility to yourself to remain that way.  Neither are difficult concepts.

That's all for now, take care.


PS - The new Blogger layout is ugly & awkward.

Tuesday, August 4, 2020


The month is underway & the 1st round of household bills has been handled.  The rest will be tomorrow.  I got labs drawn yesterday, what's come back looks normal.  

The cool weather should last a day more, then more hot.  I'm not upset.  Bugs are ramping up already & the grass is green.  Maybe it'll get brighter.  The light levels have been low this Summer.

I had a weird night.  Last night, was the 1st time since I've lived here the house across the street didn't have it's light on at night.  The light is a smaller streetlight, & gave off a lot of illumination.  Without it, the street was pitch. Before, I could see the home all night. Last night, there was just this black void.  I guess they cut the power off.  It was another weird, depressing, unwanted change. Maybe someone will move in soon & the light will return.  Or maybe I just accept that it's another thing gone from my normal.


Monday, August 3, 2020

August Starts...

It's the  beginning of the month &  it's bill time.  We'll handle most of it this morning, but some haven't come in yet.  Month's beginning on a weekend throw off some bills.   I need to check on getting my labs drawn for my telemedicine.  We also have to shop this morning.  It's so much fun when things collide.   There's a whole month, but everything wants handled at the same time.

The weather's been nice here for a bit.  That'll end later this week.  Then it's back to Summer.  That's OK, the bugs need driven back & the grass could die off more.  Still, cooler nights have been nice.

That's all for now, take care.


Sunday, August 2, 2020

Over It...

It's my last month of being 53 & this year has mostly sucked.  I'm still dealing with a lot medical crap due to a stroke, maybe pneumonia & doctor office changes.   I was hospitalized & then thought things were getting better.  Then COVID happened, then asshat riots, excuse me protests, & then stupid rallies.   People wiped out things like toilet paper & cat food.  They were afraid of losing something to wipe with, but won't wear masks, social distance or  cooperate with 1-way aisles at stores.   

This may sound awful, but other than mine, I don't care if most of them fall over dead.  If they can't be bothered to protect themselves, all I can do is take care of me.  We live in a world of clashing storms of idiocy.  The best we can hope for is that they off each other.

I'm tired & this year overwhelmed me.  I doubt I'll be able to anything for my birthday.   I never do much, but even that'll be gone now.  I don't care if these people die.  I just wish they'd do it faster.  I'm tired of their drama.  It's an awful production full of nobodies, has-beens & never-weres.  They've had their 15 minutes, let the curtain drop.  I'd like to enjoy part of my next year.

F'off to those people making this COVID crap last longer.


Saturday, August 1, 2020

Hello, Goodbye...

July's done & over.  It wasn't a bad, but it was like every other month since March, weird.  Between the COVID stuff, social crap & strange weather, this hasn't been a good Summer.   Goodbye July, maybe next year will go better.

Hello August, I hope you have better things in store for us.  I have to get blood work done this week for a telemedicine appointment later in the month.  It's a standard 6 month meeting.   Schools are supposed to be starting back soon.  I don't know how that's going to pan out. I guess we'll see. 

Take care.
