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Wednesday, July 29, 2020

Yuck Morning....

It was supposed to storm last night & didn't.   The house was closed up for rain & this morning, the inside air was like a wet blanket.   It's still supposed to rain & possibly for the next 2 days.  

I didn't wake to just a grey, sweltering mess, but also a racket.   It took my sleepy self a bit to register what it was.  The lawn guy had come early to mow.  He never comes early.  He must of thought this might be the only change to mow for days.  Not a good wake up call.

I didn't see  any articles.  I'm not sure how hard I looked.  I'm already spent.  Thanks weather.   I absolutely need another awful, grey day of muggy hell with a mower tossed in for variety.  Thanks ever so.


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