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Friday, July 17, 2020

Ethics BS...

Ethics are always a concern in research, but sometimes certain research can be hamstringed by others perceptions of ethics.  I've seen several articles, none written well enough to cite, over the idea of viral phylogenetics.  That means studying the development, evolution & spread.  

Some people are worried by doing any kind of trace research on HIV transmissions you are violating ethics by focusing too much on socially marginalized groups.   They feel the research might cause stigma to these groups if it's pursued.   

That's a load of BS.  If an empirical inquiry is properly pursued, then a subject's privacy shouldn't be an issue.  No one ever promised you privacy for being Gay, POC or religious.  It is not a horrid thing to study HIV among marginal groups, if those are  the major points of transmission.

People are so worried about perception, they're ruining legitimate research.  Eventually some group is going to die, because their illness wasn't allowed to be researched.  Way to go progressives, you're going protect people to death.


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