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Sunday, July 26, 2020

Last Sunday In July...

This has been an weird July.  Nothing bad came our way, but it was odd.   No one can be in Summer mode due to COVID.  It's gotten warm, but not July hot.  It's been strangely dark, I'm not looking forward to Fall.  I need more light.  

I wonder if this area isn't just dying.   More & more poor people move here as others try to go to better places.   Hummers, dragons & other birds seem far less plentiful than a few years ago.  I haven't seem many bees, lot's of wasps, but not honey bees.   Things in the yard are less robust & vibrant.   Maybe this area is just giving up the ghost & letting go.

It's hard to be hopeful right now.  So many things seem to be working against everything good.  People are revelling in their darkness,  And not in a fun or sexy way, just being barbaric, stupid & rageful.  I was hoping this COVID would've dealt with more of them by now, but they're still here.  Maybe they'll fall over soon.  Perhaps they just need tipping.


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