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Saturday, July 11, 2020

Van, Aging & Inflammation...

It's supposed to be hot today.  It was supposed to get hot the last 2 days, but there were weird afternoon rains.  We needed the rain & it dropped the temps, but it made things muggy & miserable.   The forecast looks like mostly seasonal weather.  Probably won't make the rain average again this month.

We got the van back.  They replaced the alternator.  That wasn't cheap, but it was basic maintenance.  It started easy enough this morning. 

There's a lot being written on aging with HIV.  As hard as the health aspects of aging can be, it's the social that'll kill you.   Older gays are left out of the gay conversations about HIV & just about everything else.   Gays have long had a panicky relationship with aging.   Avoidance has long been a commonly employed tactic.   The bright young things, don't want the grey ones raining on their parade with reality.  So they shun, dismiss & ridicule.  Older gays are the Grizabellas of the gay world.  Someday all these little kittens will lose their cuteness & be in for a rude surprise.

Finally, there are some pieces out, but they're pretty vague so I won't cite yet.  There is some evidence against  2 drug regimens.  They can work as well as 3 part meds, can have less direct issues & can cost less.  However, it's being suggested they can lead to higher levels of inflammation.  This is constant issue for those dealing with chronic illnesses.  Inflammation can be as damaging as any virus.  Info's still coming in on this matter.


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