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Friday, July 31, 2020

Talk, Talk...

I saw this piece,  what it says isn't new or novel.  It simply states talking about HIV is the 1st step in fighting HIV.   The push to communicate about it has been a struggle since the 80s, but for a while we did talk & listen.  Then we stopped & HIV spread faster.    People need to hear about HIV; how it's spread, that's it not a judgement, that it can be prevented, that it can be treated.  People need to have this virus demystified.   They need very plain communication about an illness that's anything but simple.  If we  talk & educate about HIV, we can stop it.  Prevention will always trump treatment.


Thursday, July 30, 2020

Wet Air....

It was forecast & still is for rain.  That hasn't happened.  It never got over 85 yesterday, most of the day was in the upper 70s, but it was very unpleasant.  The humidity was in the 70% + all day.  The air was wet & miserable.   It's supposed to get hot today.  Hopefully, that will burn off some of this humidity.

I'm too spent to care about articles this morning.  I woke to a ripped up trash bag & had to go fix it.  The neighbors were mowing before 7 AM.  I understand why, but I still hate them for it.  Come on August, be hot & dry.


Wednesday, July 29, 2020

Yuck Morning....

It was supposed to storm last night & didn't.   The house was closed up for rain & this morning, the inside air was like a wet blanket.   It's still supposed to rain & possibly for the next 2 days.  

I didn't wake to just a grey, sweltering mess, but also a racket.   It took my sleepy self a bit to register what it was.  The lawn guy had come early to mow.  He never comes early.  He must of thought this might be the only change to mow for days.  Not a good wake up call.

I didn't see  any articles.  I'm not sure how hard I looked.  I'm already spent.  Thanks weather.   I absolutely need another awful, grey day of muggy hell with a mower tossed in for variety.  Thanks ever so.


Tuesday, July 28, 2020

Transplants & Stigma....

I looked at 2 articles this morning.  The 1st piece, looked at the possibility of an HIV superinfection in  people who received organ transplants from HIV+ donors.  It's a process that isn't that old & the info is just now becoming available.  It's a brief article & more is sure to follow.

The next article, most have been written by a very clueless person.  The author seemed surprised at the level of stigma against HIV+ people remaining in the US.   Where have you been sir?  Were you hiding in some sunshine & lollipops, happy hut?   The stigma against HIV has lessened, but it's still very present.


Monday, July 27, 2020

Weird July...

There weren't any articles to discuss.  But there is a month & July has been weird. Most of it can be blamed on the COVID situation.  But the forecast for the remainder of July & beginning of August has  highs in the mid 80's - low 90s.  This is Summer in Oklahoma.  Those temps are way low.  Sometimes were 100+ for long stretches. Maybe it was the Sahara dust & hurricanes.  Whatever, it's made for dark, muggy & yuck of a Summer.  

So far 2020 you just suck.   To be far, most of it's due to idiots that refuse to take this pandemic serious.  Why do the hillbilly idiots & greedy repubs live in this country, try Africa or the Middle East. 


Sunday, July 26, 2020

Last Sunday In July...

This has been an weird July.  Nothing bad came our way, but it was odd.   No one can be in Summer mode due to COVID.  It's gotten warm, but not July hot.  It's been strangely dark, I'm not looking forward to Fall.  I need more light.  

I wonder if this area isn't just dying.   More & more poor people move here as others try to go to better places.   Hummers, dragons & other birds seem far less plentiful than a few years ago.  I haven't seem many bees, lot's of wasps, but not honey bees.   Things in the yard are less robust & vibrant.   Maybe this area is just giving up the ghost & letting go.

It's hard to be hopeful right now.  So many things seem to be working against everything good.  People are revelling in their darkness,  And not in a fun or sexy way, just being barbaric, stupid & rageful.  I was hoping this COVID would've dealt with more of them by now, but they're still here.  Maybe they'll fall over soon.  Perhaps they just need tipping.


Saturday, July 25, 2020


Vaginal rings aren't new.  They've been used for contraception, menopause, atrophy & other issues involving women's reproductive/sexual health.   This article & others are touting a new monthly ring used in the prevention of HIV.  It's an interesting read.   In parts of the world where other forms of prevention aren't easily available & sexual assault is common, this may be a women's only chance of protecting herself from contracting HIV.


Friday, July 24, 2020

Article Annoyance...

Besides there being no articles, the next big issue in discussing pieces over HIV are paywalls.  However, there's another, just as frustrating, issue I run into, non-articles.  I call them that because they have the idea of an article, but are so lacking they're barely there.

I saw a piece this morning that was supposed to detail lung issues in men with HIV.  I opened the page & saw a photo of a man & few scant paragraphs that said basically nothing.   They think there's an issue with lungs among HIV+ males.  There was nothing more.  The piece was useless.  I wish they'd stop publishing these non-articles.


Thursday, July 23, 2020

Nice Morning...

I found mostly rehash for articles this morning.  At least it's a nice morning, even if a little gloomy.  It was cooler yesterday, but very muggy.  It looks to be the same today, possibly for the rest of the month.   Something knocked the wind out of July's heat, at least for the moment.    We've had chances of rain for 2 days.  So far, not a drop, just high humidity.  I wish it'd just rain. 

Take care.


Wednesday, July 22, 2020

Another Trash Day...

There was nothing in the way of articles today.  There were some things in the works, but they were very vague.  Antibodies & inflammation  were topics I hope they develop from the blips.

It's supposed to rain today.  We'll take trash out later & that's about it.   Maybe it'll be a decent day temperature wise.

Take care.


Tuesday, July 21, 2020

Late July Morning...

Other than being a little stiff & sniffly, this is a nice morning.   The sun's out & no one's mowing or hacking at trees.   There are some birds chirping but not being obnoxious.  

I guess the hummers have found another place to be for now.  I saw a few dragons out front yesterday.  They're the 1st I've seen this year.   We don't have any plans for today so that's good.  

That's all for now, take care.


Monday, July 20, 2020


There weren't any new article topics.  I need to get around & get cleaned up.  We have to go shopping & run some errands.  Still trying to fix some foul-ups from the Windows update.  I hate those things.  Microsoft seriously sucks at them.

Take care.


Sunday, July 19, 2020


Windows did a feature update yesterday & they should just call it all day F'ery update.  It took forever & caused some serious issues.  I hate these updates.  They seldom, if ever, bring anything we use.  They just make things worse.

I'm still a little rattled from yesterday.    It wore me out.  I just needed a nothing morning & I got a crapfest thanks to Windows.   I slept well last night, but I'm still tired. Hopefully this morning will go better.  I need it.

Sorry so brief, take care.


Saturday, July 18, 2020

Updates & Lacking...

Very brief post.  I didn't find any articles this morning.   Windows opted to do it's feature update now & I have no idea how long this take.  Hopefully, it won't be a big deal.  More tomorrow.  Take care.


Friday, July 17, 2020

Ethics BS...

Ethics are always a concern in research, but sometimes certain research can be hamstringed by others perceptions of ethics.  I've seen several articles, none written well enough to cite, over the idea of viral phylogenetics.  That means studying the development, evolution & spread.  

Some people are worried by doing any kind of trace research on HIV transmissions you are violating ethics by focusing too much on socially marginalized groups.   They feel the research might cause stigma to these groups if it's pursued.   

That's a load of BS.  If an empirical inquiry is properly pursued, then a subject's privacy shouldn't be an issue.  No one ever promised you privacy for being Gay, POC or religious.  It is not a horrid thing to study HIV among marginal groups, if those are  the major points of transmission.

People are so worried about perception, they're ruining legitimate research.  Eventually some group is going to die, because their illness wasn't allowed to be researched.  Way to go progressives, you're going protect people to death.


Thursday, July 16, 2020

Rough Morning...

It never got cool last night & it wasn't the best for sleeping.  I woke stiff, sore & dehydrated.   Doesn't matter how much I drink this time of year, I still wake up parched.  

I had both cats in the room last night.  I think they wanted near my fans.  The trashmen came early to avoid the day's heat.  Then the city people arrived in area to start dealing with some fallen trees.  Great more tree yuck in the air.

I'm feeling sore, dry & woozy.  This will probably pass as I get hydrated & take a shower.  For now, this isn't pleasant.  Take care.


Wednesday, July 15, 2020

Midweek Errands...

We have errands in Fort Smith.   We'll head out early so we can avoid most the heat.   I woke to another grey morning & it wasn't pleasant.  It was dismal, muggy & warm. A lot trees fell in that last storm & most are still on the ground.  I don't know what was in them, but they've killed my breathing.   My nose & eyes hate this tree crap.  

That's it for now, take care.


Tuesday, July 14, 2020

Month Settling...

We had:
  • The beginning of the month stuff
  • The 4th & fireworks
  • A problematic van
  • A holiday delayed bill
  • A Saharan Dust Cloud
  • Freakish rains & a big storm
  • Weird light levels
  • COVID worsening
COVID is still an issue, but the rest of it seems to be calming down or handled.  We're halfway through July & it's been stressful.  2 months ago, I thought by now, this corona crap would be dealt with.  It could've been, if not for a bunch of asshats at all levels screwing everything up.  Now, this virus seems to be here for the duration.  I'm really not in the mood for people.  If they're not spreading COVID, they're spreading hate, anger & lies.   I have no good wishes for those people.  To the rest of you, take care.


Monday, July 13, 2020

Grey Morning In July...

This has been a strange Summer.  There've been so many grey days.  This is July.   It should be bright, hot & dry, not grey & sweltering.  I'm not getting as much sun as I'd like.  Maybe, it has something to do with that Saharan dust.  I don't know, but I'd like some sunshine in my mornings.  


Sunday, July 12, 2020

After The Storms...

We got more weird weather last night.  It started storming about 10ish.   It stormed hard for about 3 hours.  It rumbled & rained through the night.   There was a lot wind, lightning & rain.  We heard a lot of scary noise & some neighbors lost power.  Somehow, we only had a few power blips.   The wind blew the rain under the back door.  I had to leave towels there last night.    Summer storms usually blow in from the SW, not from the north.  

I went out this morning.  The van started.   The guy mowed yesterday, so I checked for fire ants.  I found a few, but mostly fallen limbs.  None of ours were big, but trees had fallen across the street in 2 neighbors' yards. 

That's all for now, take care.


Saturday, July 11, 2020

Van, Aging & Inflammation...

It's supposed to be hot today.  It was supposed to get hot the last 2 days, but there were weird afternoon rains.  We needed the rain & it dropped the temps, but it made things muggy & miserable.   The forecast looks like mostly seasonal weather.  Probably won't make the rain average again this month.

We got the van back.  They replaced the alternator.  That wasn't cheap, but it was basic maintenance.  It started easy enough this morning. 

There's a lot being written on aging with HIV.  As hard as the health aspects of aging can be, it's the social that'll kill you.   Older gays are left out of the gay conversations about HIV & just about everything else.   Gays have long had a panicky relationship with aging.   Avoidance has long been a commonly employed tactic.   The bright young things, don't want the grey ones raining on their parade with reality.  So they shun, dismiss & ridicule.  Older gays are the Grizabellas of the gay world.  Someday all these little kittens will lose their cuteness & be in for a rude surprise.

Finally, there are some pieces out, but they're pretty vague so I won't cite yet.  There is some evidence against  2 drug regimens.  They can work as well as 3 part meds, can have less direct issues & can cost less.  However, it's being suggested they can lead to higher levels of inflammation.  This is constant issue for those dealing with chronic illnesses.  Inflammation can be as damaging as any virus.  Info's still coming in on this matter.


Friday, July 10, 2020


I'm trying to get around this morning.  Yesterday was a weird storm day & it wore me out.   I need to get cleaned up & then go shopping.  I'm waiting for the mechanic to let me know what's up with the van.   Other than that, it's a normal Friday.  Hopefully, nothing will screw up.


Thursday, July 9, 2020

Game Changer, Really...

Here's another article on the injectable form of Cabotegravir.  The claim is the same, an injection taken every 2 months that surpasses the benefits of daily Truvada for PrEP.  Yay! right?  Maybe not.

The problem's the same.  The research has only been conducted on men & those born male.   At least that's the data presented.  For a while, they've claimed research on how the med behaves with women was ongoing.  So far, nothing.

If a med doesn't treat half the population affected by an issue, it's hardly a game changer.  As usual women were left out of a medical study, because the outcomes were different or difficult.   Medical research has to get better or HIV is never going away.


Wednesday, July 8, 2020

Waiting & Not Much...

I'm waiting on the mechanic.  They've been too busy to swing by & get the van.  I hope they can today.  If not, I'll have to look into other options.  

It's a nice morning.  It's supposed to get hot later & stay that way.  July remembered it was Summertime.    Maybe the grass will finally  die.  

That's it for this morning.  I'm just waiting & musing.  We've got some tiny bunnies in the backyard right now.  They're so small, it's hard to notice them.  I've seen a couple of hummers a few times.  Still no dragons, maybe soon.

Take care.


Tuesday, July 7, 2020


According to this article, an HIV+ man in Sao Paulo, Brazil was cured.  It wasn't a transplant this time.  It was supposedly a novel drug approach.   The article isn't short, but it doesn't offer much info on the how's of the matter.   I'm not sure if this is real or just something people in Brazil hope to be genuine.   I guess we'll see if it's repeatable.  Even if it is, what will be after affects of this treatment?  There are still a lot of questions, including whether it's even real of not.


Monday, July 6, 2020


Holidays shouldn't come with fallout, but the 4th did.  Between the smoke of the fireworks & then all the mowing on the 5th, my sinuses were under siege.  My eyes watered, throat scratchy, nose stuffy & sneezing, it wasn't pleasant.  My roomie didn't fare much better.  Maybe today will be better for breathing.

Take care.


Sunday, July 5, 2020

Grey 5th...

I woke to a grey morning.  It was supposed to storm last night.  I don't think it did.  There's a chance later in the day for some.  We need it.   

There were more fireworks set off last night then I remember since living here.  I guess people were trying to shake off some COVID energy.  I hope it worked for them.  Those pyrotechnics filled the air with a lot of noise, smoke & stench.  The cats weren't happy.   The older girl spent the evening under my bed.

Hopefully, this will be a quiet day.  Take care & be well. 


Saturday, July 4, 2020

A Wet 4th...

It's a wet 4th of July.   I woke to storms in the early morning.  I'm not sure how much more it's going to rain.  It may upset some plans.  Still we need the rain.

Wherever you are, be safe & have a happy holiday. Take care.


Friday, July 3, 2020


This piece details Fostemsavir, sold as Rukobia.   It's a newly approved med for HIV in patients aren't being treated successfully on other drugs due to resistance or intolerance.   The med is from ViiV & GlaxoSmithKline.   Fostemsavir won't be a 1st line med.  It will be reserved for those who are no longer benefiting from previous regimens.  

I had my dentist appointment & it went well.  I spent yesterday waiting for mechanic that didn't show.  The van's battery is dead.  Hopefully, it just needs a good charging.   It'll probably be next week before I can get this  handled.  I hate holidays.  Somehow, they always screw things up.  If not for the 4th, I might be able to get this looked at on Saturday.    I'm trying not be, but I'll be somewhat stressed until this is over.

Take care, be safe, have a good 4th.


Thursday, July 2, 2020


Lenacapavir is a new med from Gilead Sciences.   This med is so new I can find next to nothing about it.   I see the article I'm referencing & some referring to a previous study over an oral version.   This study is suggesting it has the potential to be a single injectable med that could control HIV for up to 6 months.

The article gave limited details on the drug, the study & it's limitations.  It appears to be a ways out for now.  Still, if it has any potential a bi-annual shot would aid greatly in controlling HIV.  The only other piece I could find was a research abstract from the company at $50 a pop.

Will this lead anywhere?  I don't know.  But, if this research can offer anything, it'd be a boost to fighting HIV.  Here's hoping.


Wednesday, July 1, 2020

Hello July....

July's here & day 1 I have a dental cleaning.   Fireworks have been going off & the animals hate it.   It's supposed to get hot quick this month.  I'm not sure if that'll be a constant or not.  There are good points to it either way.  Hotter means more AC, but less bugs & mowing.  Cooler means the opposite, but higher humidity.  That'll make it hard to get comfortable.  It's a meh-meh thing.  

I need to get around.  I have to get cleaned up, eat, brush my teeth again, run errands & then drive over for the appointment.  I don't want to be early.  COVID has changed the dentist office rules.  I want be in & out as fast as possible.


PS - Here's hoping July is a nice month.