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Saturday, May 11, 2019

Post Neuro Appointment...

Yesterday went sorta well.   The drive was fine & we ate at place we like.  We made good time & found parking easily.  The office was well marked.  

The appointment was a mixed bag.  I got in quickly, a plus.  The office & staff were nice, definitely a plus.  Then, came some off news.  My last MRI's weren't good enough for a decent reading.  I'm not sure what happened, but I have to go back & have it redone.  This time in Tulsa.  I have a feeling local inadequacy had a lot to do with this.   Hello extra trips to Tulsa.   

The doctor did tell me that my stiffness could be caused by the statin I'm taking.  So, I'm off it for now.   I hope this will lessen the stiffness, because it's becoming painful.  I looked back through my posts & it was just over 2 weeks after I started simvastatin, the stiffness started.  So, it could be the med. 

The trip home went well.  I managed to pick up Triumeq at a local pharmacy.  That's another step of being free from CVS Caremark.  Definite Yay!  A couple more refills & I"ll be fairly certain of the change has worked.

Overall, a mixed day.  At least it wasn't totally useless or bad. Take care.


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