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Friday, May 10, 2019

No Fan Of Early...

I have to be at an appointment in Tulsa by 10:15.  I'm up early before the 2+ hour trip, so I can wake up.  I'm no a fan of early mornings.  To make matters less enjoyable, the skies are grey, it could rain & the temps dropped into the 40s last night.  Joy!

I have no idea what to expect out of this.  The more typical it is, the less apt they are to do anything for the time being.  There's a chance they'll say there's nothing to do for the time being.  Then it'll be a wait & see game.

I won't know anything until this happens.  For now, I've done what I can.  The only thing left, is to get to the appointment. 

So, here we go.  Take care


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