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Sunday, May 26, 2019

Better, Where...

They're saying the economy is stronger & growing everyday.  Really, where?  Not in my area.  If anything, things are bleaker than they have been.  There are few good jobs.  Prices keep going up as opportunities go down.  People are leaving this state for just about anywhere else.  And Oklahoma is not alone in this crap, many rural states are in the same situation.

As these times stay hard, an epidemic of opioid use has hit many areas.   This article is about IV drug use in West Virginia & how it's leading to higher rates of HIV.  I've been posting the this kind of article for a couple of years now.   

If the situation is getting better, it's only for the rich, not the poor or even the middle class.  A bad economy leads to stress which leads to bad choices which leads to serious, sometimes deadly consequences.  Don't tell us the economy is better when a good chunk of the United States looks like a cesspool.


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