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Wednesday, May 29, 2019


I saw an article title that says more than the actual piece.  I want to focus on the title.  It was called, Gilead Gains 6.8% YTD as HIV Franchise Maintains Momentum.  

Let's break this down.  (YTD = year to date)  Gilead is currently a, if not the, dominant corporation in the HIV med/treatment arena.   They keep pushing their own approach .  They also work with others or acquire other companies outright.  Anything to keep them at the top of the HIV game.

They see HIV as a franchisable opportunity & people living with it a market to be milked.   They profit from these things & are indebted to their shareholders to maintain, if not increase, profits.   A cure will never be in the company's best interest.   Gilead will always be looking for the new, novel & more lucrative treatments.  But they will never really push a cure, unless forced to do so by outside forces or circumstances.

Remember this, Gilead is a corporation.  It's shareholders see HIV as a franchise & those who are HIV+ as a market.   This isn't about healing, it's about greed. Never trust anyone who profits from your suffering.


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