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Wednesday, May 8, 2019

Nothing's Perfect...

There's tons of articles complaining about various attempts to deal with HIV.  This concerns education, awareness, medication distribution, medical availability, etc...   There's always some group complaining that "Plan A" doesn't cover this area, that problem or these people. So we should just scrap it & try something else.  This keeps happening & often nothing gets done, because no plan is perfect.

Guess what.  No plan is ever perfect.   Something will be left out.  Some group will be missed.    That doesn't make it a bad plan.  It just means there's a need for more than a single approach to the problem at hand.  HIV is a very complex issue & is never going to be solved with a 1 size fits all mentality.  So that plan didn't cover that group, what can?  This approach failed there, how can we patch it?   

Stop going back to square 1, just because  the plan isn't perfect.  A good plan that works for a good part of the people is better than no plan at all.  Perfection is unattainable, stop aiming for it.  Aim for good & then fill in the gaps.  That's how things get done.


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