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Sunday, May 12, 2019

Not So Fast...

Gilead announced a donation of PrEP to 200,000 people.  Sounds good, but for Gilead, it's pocket change.  It also makes Trump look good & boosts corporate relations.  

According to this piece, not everyone trusts Gilead's intent.  The company will gain much more than it loses here.  This comes off more as an investment than a charitable act.  There are a lot questions about what will actually happen here.

Sorry Gilead, but this spin won't redeem your reputation.  Some feel it's too little, too late.  Doesn't help that you've only recently started pushing the need for condoms as well as PrEP.  Gilead is  a profits driven corp, of course it's not trustable.  It just announced its intent to allow a single company to produce a generic version of PrEP.  Which could wind up meaning very little, if they have any influence on pricing or distribution.

That's all for now.  


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