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Thursday, January 24, 2019

Seasonal Ick...

I don't remember ever doing well with Winter.  I didn't mind it as much as a kid, but that meant school might be out for the day.  I'm no fan of the cold.  It won't even do its job of killing off the grass & bugs.  

Besides being cold & dreary, the biggest problem for me during the Winter is the air.  If you're outside, it's wet & cold.  Inside, it's dry & overheated.   It's not too bad during the day.  I can get something to drink or wet my eyes.  Just after waking is the worse time.  I've breathed scorched air & had fuzzy blankets on me all night.  I wake up to a stuffy nose which is prone to small Winter nosebleeds.  My eyes are scratchy & there's a lot of yuck in my throat.  It takes a while before I feel decent.

This was my normal as an adult.  After HIV, it only got worse.  That's 1 of the many things they don't always tell you about being +.  It can make everything else you were dealing with worse, sometimes much worse.  HIV compounds everything from Winter congestion to cholesterol to aging.  Being HIV+ isn't dealing with single thing.  It's dealing with a virus that impacts every aspect of your well-being.  Being + is taxing, taking meds for it is also taxing.  It takes a toll, even if you seem to be doing well with your regimen.

This season will pass.  Then another set of seasonal issues will crop up for me face.  That's life, especially if you're +.  

Take care.


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