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Sunday, January 20, 2019

Frigid Morning....

I get everything is relative, but waking to barely 20 F, is cold to me.   We never got above freezing yesterday.  It won't until noon today.  Most nights from now on will call for heaters & dripping faucets. 

It's been very dismal for the last few days.   I'm very happy to wake to a bright morning, even if it is freezing.   Bright, shiny mornings make the rest of my day much easier.  

It's hard to stay positive when all you see online or television is so depressing, dumbfounding & enraging.  You start avoiding  places & eventually you wind up really limiting where you go online, who you talk to or what you read/watch.  Eventually, you wind up pruning so much to avoid the negative, you wind with very little left.  It'd be nice to wake up to good news & happy people.  That's not going to happen in the foreseeable future. 

Wherever you are, take care.  I'm just going to watch the birds outside my window as they flit about in the snow.


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