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Sunday, January 27, 2019

Last Week Of January 2019...

Well this is going fast, January is almost over.   My former neighbor has been gone a month.  The new people are very quiet so far.  I see evidence of them more than them.  They don't leave lights on overnight, but I'm getting used to it.  

January wasn't the funnest month.  There was the stupid Trump shutdown issue.  The weather wasn't horrible, but it wasn't pleasant either.   There's been a lack of articles.  The thing with the TV.  But, we had fairly bright mornings.  That helped a lot.

Yesterday's trip to get a new TV & then setting it up left me worn out.  I'm not sure what set off my allergies, but it happened.   I'm still a little tired this morning.  Hopefully, we're done with the stress for at least a little while.

That's all for now, take care.


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