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Thursday, January 3, 2019

2019' Anniveraries...

Today is my 8th Blogger anniversary.  Happy Blog Day to me.   I'm nearing 3,000 posts.   I'm glad I've done this.  It's help me stay current with my illness.  It's allowed me to express myself when I had no other means.  I suggest blogging, if for no other reason than to able to look back & say, "Yes, I was here."

Today is also the my 19th HIV-Day.  I was diagnosed on January 3rd, 2000.   I've spent nearly 37% of my life living with HIV & having AIDS.   If I had contracted the virus a decade earlier, I'd probably be dead.  I'm allergic to some of the earlier HIV meds.  But, like the lady sang, "I'm still here."

Here's to the upcoming year.  Living with HIV isn't easy.  There are lots of blogs on it.  If you want to read some, I'd suggest  focusing on people who've been + a decade or longer.  It's easy to be all sunshine & lollipops early on, but that crap fades like a bad dye job, pretty quickly when reality sets in on you. 

Take care & Happy Anniversaries to me.


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