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Monday, January 21, 2019

Found A Piece...

While not an article, this piece is about a man's realization that he, Winter & HIV don't mix.  It's about acknowledging Winter isn't an easy season for some at the best of times.  Add HIV & it can become unbearable.   He had some strategies he hoped will help him through the cold.  They probably aren't for everyone, but any strategy dealing with your emotional state will have to be personalized.

It's difficult for some of us to admit that something is hard for/on us.  That sometimes what's easy, enjoyable,  for others is difficult for us.  It might even be beyond our ability.    Winter is hard.  It's cold, wet & dreary.  Snow can be beautiful, but it's still frigid & can be dangerous.   The lack of light is tiring & depressing.   Having to stay in & bundled up can feel very restrictive.  If Winter is hard on you, you aren't alone in that.  Luckily, it's just a few months long.

Take care everyone & stay warm.


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