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Thursday, February 9, 2017

Waiting To See...

Allegedly my meds or going to arrive later this afternoon.  We'll see.  I hope they do.  I'm tired of this fight for the month.

You might be seeing "U = U" around.  It means undetectable equals untransmittable.   In most cases that might be true.  However, 2 things.  1st, it doesn't negate your responsibility to inform a partner of your HIV status.  2nd, even if it's true, you could only know for certain you were undetectable immediately after blood work.  A person's levels can change at any point, for many reasons.  That's why we're have to have lab work done so often.   Any change & you may no longer be undetectable & therefore transmittable. 

Seriously people, just use a condom already.  


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