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Monday, February 6, 2017

Semi Dismal Day...

I've wrote about hating dreary weather before.  I've Googled it & the hits are nearly endless.   It astounds me how much weather can affect a person mentally, as well as physically.  I don't mind the night or darkness.  I don't like drear or feeling like I'm setting I a cave.  My mother had a penchant for houses with sparse lighting.  You could have every light in the house & it'd still be still dark

Dismal weather leaves me anxious & irritable.  I feel worse.  I feel like I'm freezing, even when it's not that cold.  There are a host of symptoms people experience when dealing with dreary weather.  The longer the drear lasts the worse they can get.   I can go from feeling relatively fine to feeling like a have a really mild flu when it's dreary.  I get tense, anxious, cold, feverish, achy, etc...

When someone tells you they can't handle certain types of weather or that they hate the drear, remember they may react to these patterns differently than you.  Maybe they aren't telling you they prefer sunny days, but that they perform worse when the sun isn't out.  Just maybe they really can't stand the rain.


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