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Tuesday, February 21, 2017


Today has been bittersweet.  Rhiannon, our cat, sat by me most of the day.  She wanted to be held & loved on.  She purred a lot.  But, the purring was rough & haggard.  When I couldn't hold her anymore, I made a bed for her on a storage tub next to me.  

I'm glad I'm getting this time with here, because it's coming to an end soon.  She's somewhere between 16 - 17 years old & has a lot of health problems.   During the last year she's developed seizures.   They make her convulse & flail her back legs.  She's scratched herself up a lot, even her eyes.   Afterwards she licks & bites at things, including herself.    The episodes leave her confused, weakened & scared.    She got better for sometime this Winter & I hoped it had passed, but it didn't.

Tomorrow, she will take her last trip.  She isn't a fan of the vet.  Either my roomie or I will be there.  They offered to just have my roomie drop Rhiannon off & they would handle it.   I can't go for that.  I won't let her be alone when this happens.  

She's looking at me now, with her cute face. She knows how to work people.   But, I can see the pain there.  I hate this so damned much.  I'll hold her as much as I can, while I can.  This is another reason why I can't have any more cats.  This kills me.  She was just a kitten a little ago, I swear.  A little, goofy kitten with big, pretty paws.  

I gotta go.


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