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Tuesday, February 7, 2017

Testing For Youth...

A serious problem in the fight against HIV is the number of people who don't know their status.   This is impacted by the lack of testing.  This is especially true among some of the groups at higher risks, including the 13 - 24 age bracket.

It's estimated that somewhere over 20% of all new cases fall into this category.  Make these youths people of color & the numbers go up.  Testing for these groups has historically fallen short. 

While there are many youth groups out there, even some aimed at kids of color & the gay community, most don't provide testing.  They don't even have relationships with agencies that do.  These young people need access to testing.  Testing at places they feel comfortable & not on the spot with the adults in their lives.

Until we provide young people with easily accessible & anonymous testing, it's probably not going to happen.  Parents aren't requiring HIV tests for their kids for whatever reason.  Testing & education are the front line in the battle against HIV.  Our society has failed on this matter.


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