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Sunday, February 19, 2017

OK, Stupid...

The outhouse nation, Tanzania, has decided to show how utterly brilliant it is by preventing any incoming or continuing HIV/AIDS services.  According to this article, the  minister over such things as health, banned these services as Tanzanian officials believe it goes against their anti-gay laws & covertly promotes homosexuality.    

The US & other nations have warned this will stall efforts to fight in the nation & cause transmissions to spike.  Still, the minister & other Tanzanian officials act like they're taking the moral high ground with their anti-gay stance.  Let the whole damn place burn, if they're all that stupid.   

The problem is, not all Tanzanians are that stupid or bigoted.   It's just the zealots & asshats are running the show.  It won't take long for this country to see their HIV numbers soar.  Still, they'll blame it on the gays.  Their actions will be seen just & ordained.  I really can't stand religious folks.


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