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Wednesday, February 1, 2017

Hello February...

Hello February, I hope you're less stressful than January.   I'm really beginning to wonder if that's possible.  It seems like every month has decided to match or surpass the prior month on agita.  All this constant irritation & stress has left me with the realization, this is probably all there is or will be.    Still I hope this month might be a little better.  

The warm weather is turning back to seasonal chilliness.  We'll have a least a few more nights below freezing.  Unless another weather pattern warms them up as well.  I didn't get the dead grass I wanted or the dead bugs.   I saw the little purple flowery tops of clover in the backyard today.  Normally, I think it's pretty, but it's the 1st day of February.  Die already.   At least there's a cardinal playing in the crepe myrtle.

I found this article   It's about LASER-ART or long-acting slow effective release antiretroviral therapy.  It's not about changing the HIV meds, but how they're introduced into the body.  This is the method they're hoping to use for long lasting injections.  Instead of having meds ingested daily or more often, they'd be administered every few weeks or even larger intervals, perhaps months.  This could be a serious game changer for regimen adherence.  I'll keep a look out on this topic.

Take care & try to find some happy thoughts.


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