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Tuesday, February 28, 2017

Possible Storms...

Not much going on in the way of articles.  The news for my area is possible bad storms.  Hopefully, they will edge farther to the northeast.   If not, we could be in for some nasty weather.   

I'm a little tired from the stress of the last week or so.  My stomach's been giving me fits.  I would like if things calmed down for a while.  They probably won't, but I'd like it.

That's it for now.  I have a dentist appointment Thursday.  Not much else for the week.


Monday, February 27, 2017

Rushed Morning...

Had a not fun morning.  I had to go to bathroom at about 6 AM.  I go to flush & nothing.  The flush lever had warped & nearly snapped.   I had to work it from the chain inside the tank.  I didn't really get back to sleep.  I kept wondering if anything else was wrong with toilet & if I'd need a plumber.  

I got around early & went to the hardware store.  I got the parts & came home.  It was an easy fix & seems to be all the toilet needed.  I hate stressful things at night.  They destroy my sleep & send my mind reeling on tangents of what-ifs.  

OK, my outings for today are done.  Early morning stuff, especially of the stressful variety, wipes me out.  I hate mornings.

Hope your day is going better.


Sunday, February 26, 2017

Slightly Rushed...

Going to be a short post.  Stuff I'd normally would've handled this morning, got bumped up til now.  There was a schedule change & it altered my timeline.  It's not a big thing, it just is.  I'll try to get back to posting normally tomorrow.  We'll see.


Saturday, February 25, 2017

Hating On Trees...

Just to add issues to the situation, the trees have driven the pollen levels into the red.  I normally don't react that badly to tree pollen.  This year I am.  I think it's due to the dry spell were experiencing. Rain would usually wash a lot of this away.   The past couple of days have been allergy hell.  

I didn't notice anything in the articles worth writing about.  The house is returning to normal.  It was cooler today, but normal for the season.  

I'm still spent & don't have much to write about, so this is it for now.


Friday, February 24, 2017


My roomie & I have found ourselves feeling a little guilty.   We noticed & were relieved by the lack of stress in the house post-Rhiannon.  But, it's true, there's less agita now. We adored that cat, but in the end, the situation was very stressful for all of us, including cats.   Now, that stress has been lifted & we feel a little lighter.  Everyone except for Rhiannon.  Still, she's no longer going through the badness that marked her final days, so maybe even her.

Some people get weirded out when others talk about the animals in their lives as family members.    OK, people in work relationships with their animals often don't.  People raised on farms often just can't.   Past that, if you can't form a somewhat familial relationship with the animals in your life, then I probably don't want to know you.  

We had Rhiannon for around 17 years.  If she had been a human child, she'd been a senior, talking about future plans & college.  Let that put it into perspective for you.  She would've had braces, 1st dates, 1st heart breaks, achievements, failures, etc...  Rhiannon may not have gone to school, but she had known loss, moving, sickness, worry.  She'd also known joy, love, comfort & silliness. These cats are the closest thing I'll ever have to children & I prefer it that way.   I guess her sister will have to choose a university soon.  If you can't handle that I consider the cats in my life as important as your children, that's entirely on you.

I have known my roomie since the early 90's.   By the mid 90's we hung out a lot.  By 2001 we we're living together. Considering nearly half of USA marriage end in divorce around 8 years in, our relationship is considerably longer than most marriages.  We are not intimately involved, but we are there for each other.   Still, others think of relationships such as ours as lesser.  As if somehow we failed at something.  Screw that.

The name of this post was QTIP.  No, not the cotton swab, but instead an acronym for, "Quit Taking It Personally."  I heard this on a TV show recently.  In many cases I agree, but not here.   If someone is going to judge the relationships in my life, then it is personal.  I won't stop seeing it that way or bother explaining myself to others on this matter.  If you don't get, figure it out yourself & let me be.  

Relationships are hard.  Even more so when you have a chronic illness or are just getting older.   Don't let anyone judge your relationships.  That's up to you & you alone.   If they get you through the moments, then so be it.


Thursday, February 23, 2017

Princess Pretty Paws Has Left The Building....

This is a picture of Rhiannon, she was very loved.  She took her final trip in this world yesterday & departed just before 5:00 PM.  She hated travel, it angered her.  She was about 17.  She wasn't the brightest kitty & she could be an extreme klutz.  She could break anything.   But, she was beautiful, funny & loving.  She had the greatest purr.  She would sigh & harrumph when she was tired of you.  She will be deeply missed.  

She is proceeded by several other of our great cats, who'll be waiting for her.  She is survived by her sister Rowan & housemate Tinkerbell, as well as her human family.   I can only hope her next life is wondrous & full of love.  Best journeys to you little kitten of many names.

Raise a glass to Princess Pretty Paws, Rhiannon, Rhi-Rhi, Nannan, Nanny Cat, Ni-Ni... I amazed this cat knew her name at all, with how many monikers she had.   May there be sunshine, good lovings,  great food, sleeping perches & everything else your little heart could've ever desired.

Love, from someone who's life you made so much better & bearable .


PS.  Please be kind to animals.  Take care of strays.  Spay & neuter,

Wednesday, February 22, 2017

PrEP Failure & Appointments...

This article talks of another PrEP failure.  I realize the source isn't the greatest, but it doesn't alter the fact PrEP failed again.  Their explanation is interesting, not comforting, but interesting.

I had my appointment with my primary care physician today.  Other than taking too long, everything went well.  I made another appointment for in three months & left.

There's another appointment later in the day.  My roomie will be taking Rhiannon to the vet.   I tried to hold her some more this morning, but she just couldn't handle it.   This sucks!


Tuesday, February 21, 2017


Today has been bittersweet.  Rhiannon, our cat, sat by me most of the day.  She wanted to be held & loved on.  She purred a lot.  But, the purring was rough & haggard.  When I couldn't hold her anymore, I made a bed for her on a storage tub next to me.  

I'm glad I'm getting this time with here, because it's coming to an end soon.  She's somewhere between 16 - 17 years old & has a lot of health problems.   During the last year she's developed seizures.   They make her convulse & flail her back legs.  She's scratched herself up a lot, even her eyes.   Afterwards she licks & bites at things, including herself.    The episodes leave her confused, weakened & scared.    She got better for sometime this Winter & I hoped it had passed, but it didn't.

Tomorrow, she will take her last trip.  She isn't a fan of the vet.  Either my roomie or I will be there.  They offered to just have my roomie drop Rhiannon off & they would handle it.   I can't go for that.  I won't let her be alone when this happens.  

She's looking at me now, with her cute face. She knows how to work people.   But, I can see the pain there.  I hate this so damned much.  I'll hold her as much as I can, while I can.  This is another reason why I can't have any more cats.  This kills me.  She was just a kitten a little ago, I swear.  A little, goofy kitten with big, pretty paws.  

I gotta go.


Monday, February 20, 2017

Still Failing...

I'm not having a good week already.  It's raining & miserable outside.  It's some stupid holiday, non-candy oriented.   The mail isn't running & the vet is probably closed.  We're making final plans for 1 of our older cats.  I just can't bring myself to do it this time.  I don't know why.  If I was by myself, I'd have to.  I've not done well enough by this cat.  I wish they'd all gone to homes with better, calmer people who had more resources for them.  That just isn't me & it never will be.

There are a few new outdoor cats.  Only 1 will let me interact with it at all.   It's really fluffy & I can't pick it up long enough to determine gender.  I could if I worked at probably get it to move in.  I won't.  I can't do this again.  I'm + & getting older.  My roomie isn't the healthiest,  What would happen to the cat if we died?   So, I'll feed it as I can & tell how pretty he/she is.  That's not enough.

The little blue flowers in my yard are back.  They normally make me happy, but not this year.  It means Spring is really here & mowing & the like will have to begin again.  Just the though tires me out.  

I'm trying not to be that grumpy person.  But all I really want to do is just go to sleep for a long time.   I lost my last job in 98 & I started getting sick shortly after.  I have been ill for nearly 2 decades & I'm tired.  I've done very little & mostly I feel like it's all flopped.

The cat thing, indoor & out, has got to me.  They're all or were basically strays.  Little balls of fur no one wanted.  I did, but I couldn't really take of them well.  I did what I could.  But it really wasn't enough.   I get the stray thing.  Most never find safe, warm, happy homes.  Most just exist until they don't.  This world can be truly terrifying.  Most strays just want to feel secure  Be nice to them, it could be you someday.

Be kind to strays & yourselves, maybe you can do better at that than I have.


Sunday, February 19, 2017

OK, Stupid...

The outhouse nation, Tanzania, has decided to show how utterly brilliant it is by preventing any incoming or continuing HIV/AIDS services.  According to this article, the  minister over such things as health, banned these services as Tanzanian officials believe it goes against their anti-gay laws & covertly promotes homosexuality.    

The US & other nations have warned this will stall efforts to fight in the nation & cause transmissions to spike.  Still, the minister & other Tanzanian officials act like they're taking the moral high ground with their anti-gay stance.  Let the whole damn place burn, if they're all that stupid.   

The problem is, not all Tanzanians are that stupid or bigoted.   It's just the zealots & asshats are running the show.  It won't take long for this country to see their HIV numbers soar.  Still, they'll blame it on the gays.  Their actions will be seen just & ordained.  I really can't stand religious folks.


Saturday, February 18, 2017

Warm February Saturday...

It's turning out to be a nice day here.  We don't have anything to do, so that helps.   Both of us are recovering from sinus/allergy yuck.  It'd be nice to be not ill for a while.  

I see bushes flowering outside.  The birds are thrashing through the leaf litter for bits to eat.  Earlier this week I had a squirrel pole dancing through the crepe myrtle branches.  I'm pretty sure she was in heat.  She was putting on her best sexy-time gymnastics on those limbs. 

That's about it for now.  


Friday, February 17, 2017

Mid Feb...

It's mid February & feels like Spring.  We're halfway through the month.  I'm still feeling a bit off today.  Hopefully, I'm recuperate soon.  

There wasn't much in new in the articles today.  Emory did it's 1st HIV+ to HIV+ kidney transplant.  It was also the 1st such transplant in Georgia.  Go Emory.

That's about all I have for now.  Take care.


Thursday, February 16, 2017

Not Happening...

I'm really worn out from yesterday.  I'm  not feeling as bad, but I'm still achy & tired.    I got through the stuff I needed to do, but just barely.    I've got an appointment with my primary care next week & a dental cleaning in early March.  I'm just getting my calendar scheduled.  

That's all I've got.


Wednesday, February 15, 2017

Not My Best...

I've had several nights of bad throat issues.  The last 2 haven't been as bad, but still unpleasant.   Right now, the biggest issue, is that it's worn me out.  I need to get some things done today.  Nothing big, but probably the extent of what I'll be able to pull off with what I have left in me.  Just brushing my teeth this morning was a bit tiring.  

I hope everyone's Valentines went well.  Just remember today is the real holiday.  It's another Post Holiday Cheap Chocolate & Candy Day.  Go Enjoy!


Tuesday, February 14, 2017

Same Old Articles...

There were quite a few articles out today, but they were about topics I've covered a lot; aging with HIV, stigma, purposeful transmission, new 2 med cocktails, etc..  

The last 1 is the newest.  The push for cocktails containing only 2 meds instead 3+.   It's interesting & I hope it advances well.  Right now, it's still in the research stage.  If it works, it could save $ & agita.  It could also make it easier on people needing multiple meds for other ailments.

It's been raining since last night.  We've probably had close to 1½" of rain.   We need it.  

That's about all for now.


Monday, February 13, 2017

Another Shopping Trip On Monday...

We got back from shopping this morning.  The store was busy & I'm a bit beat.  My sore throat is being very irritating.   Even water can be a bit difficult to swallow.  

We're having a cool down.   Tomorrow is supposed to be rainy & the next might make it under freezing overnight.  It needs to rain, we've had a few large grass fires in the area.  It needs to chill down again.  Still all this up & down stuff is being really hard on me.

Not much else going on, so I'll post more later.


Sunday, February 12, 2017

Big Shift..

We hit 84 yesterday.  We broke records.  I kept windows open last night & fans were on & it's mid-February.  We'll only be in the upper 60's today & we're heading back closer to seasonal norms for the next few days.  Still, we'll be on the warm end for the month.

About 8 PM  something swept through.  I don't know what it was, but both my roomie & I started coughing.  I woke last night with a bad sore throat.  I have no idea what the wind blew in, but it was bad.  My throat is still sore.

I don't have much more today, so I'll post more tomorrow.


Saturday, February 11, 2017

Weirdly Warm & Cold...

It's going to be in the 80's today.  It's barely mid February & we're looking at the 80's.  We were freezing 2 nights ago & we might be again in a couple of nights.  This odd weather with record-breaking warms followed by seasonal cold temperatures is killing my head.  It's pounding & a bit feverish. 

The wind is blowing pretty well & debris is flying everywhere.  Pollen levels are up for trees.  The bushes outside are budding & 1 is greening out with little white flowers.  It's too early for this crap.  

Sleeping hasn't been easy.  I go to bed warm & wake up freezing or the exact opposite.  It's a game of push & pull with the covers.   This isn't going to end any time soon, we're headed into Spring.  

Not fun.


Friday, February 10, 2017


It only took 2 more days & 2 more phone calls, but CVS finally got my meds delivered.  I'm sort of amazed.  My 1st order is still MIA, the 2nd order had issues of it's own, but finally the 3rd went through.  I wasted part of a day waiting for an order that wasn't coming & then over an hour of combined phone calls.  

At least they arrived.  I'm tired of talking about the matter for a bit. 


Thursday, February 9, 2017

Waiting To See...

Allegedly my meds or going to arrive later this afternoon.  We'll see.  I hope they do.  I'm tired of this fight for the month.

You might be seeing "U = U" around.  It means undetectable equals untransmittable.   In most cases that might be true.  However, 2 things.  1st, it doesn't negate your responsibility to inform a partner of your HIV status.  2nd, even if it's true, you could only know for certain you were undetectable immediately after blood work.  A person's levels can change at any point, for many reasons.  That's why we're have to have lab work done so often.   Any change & you may no longer be undetectable & therefore transmittable. 

Seriously people, just use a condom already.  


Wednesday, February 8, 2017

Problematic Pharmacy...

I'm a little pissed off right now.  My pharmacy is screwing up again.  Thanks CVS.  

Feb. 2nd:  CVS called & set up delivery for the 7th
Feb. 7th:   I call to check & the order has been lost & is set up again for the 9th
Feb 8th:   I call to check & the order is still screwed up/missing.

I'm trying to get this fixed as I type.  I'm on hold while they figure out how deep they've got their heads up their asses.  My guess, all the way.

The representative is back, so we'll see.  Allegedly my order will be here tomorrow.  We'll see.  I won't hold my breath.


Tuesday, February 7, 2017

Testing For Youth...

A serious problem in the fight against HIV is the number of people who don't know their status.   This is impacted by the lack of testing.  This is especially true among some of the groups at higher risks, including the 13 - 24 age bracket.

It's estimated that somewhere over 20% of all new cases fall into this category.  Make these youths people of color & the numbers go up.  Testing for these groups has historically fallen short. 

While there are many youth groups out there, even some aimed at kids of color & the gay community, most don't provide testing.  They don't even have relationships with agencies that do.  These young people need access to testing.  Testing at places they feel comfortable & not on the spot with the adults in their lives.

Until we provide young people with easily accessible & anonymous testing, it's probably not going to happen.  Parents aren't requiring HIV tests for their kids for whatever reason.  Testing & education are the front line in the battle against HIV.  Our society has failed on this matter.


Monday, February 6, 2017

Semi Dismal Day...

I've wrote about hating dreary weather before.  I've Googled it & the hits are nearly endless.   It astounds me how much weather can affect a person mentally, as well as physically.  I don't mind the night or darkness.  I don't like drear or feeling like I'm setting I a cave.  My mother had a penchant for houses with sparse lighting.  You could have every light in the house & it'd still be still dark

Dismal weather leaves me anxious & irritable.  I feel worse.  I feel like I'm freezing, even when it's not that cold.  There are a host of symptoms people experience when dealing with dreary weather.  The longer the drear lasts the worse they can get.   I can go from feeling relatively fine to feeling like a have a really mild flu when it's dreary.  I get tense, anxious, cold, feverish, achy, etc...

When someone tells you they can't handle certain types of weather or that they hate the drear, remember they may react to these patterns differently than you.  Maybe they aren't telling you they prefer sunny days, but that they perform worse when the sun isn't out.  Just maybe they really can't stand the rain.


Sunday, February 5, 2017

Not So Sunny Sunday...

The 1st Sunday of the month is grey & overcast.  It's not flat out dismal & dreary, but it's close.  We had to go shopping this morning.  It's fairly easy shopping on Sunday mornings, a lot of the people are either in bed or at church.    There isn't much going on with us today.  We're just finishing up are beginning of the month stuff.  

Today & tomorrow are supposed to be warm again.   I've pretty much conceded that Winter is pretty much over, even if I wanted it to last longer & kill more grass.  I'm seeing buds on the bushes & little leaves growing.  Spring is nearly here as far as the plants are concerned.  Oh yippie....


Saturday, February 4, 2017

Bill Pay...

Had to get around this morning & go handle some bills & stuff.  It's supposed to be warming, but so far it's still dismal out.   Not much going on today.  I'm sort of glad for that.  I'm not feeling bad, but still not great.  Getting past this illness crap would be easier if the weather would stop roller coastering.   I didn't notice a lot in the way of articles, so I'll post more tomorrow.


Friday, February 3, 2017

1st Friday in February...

Not much going on here.  We'll be handling bills & stuff this weekend, but that's about it.  It's a little chilly, but that's the season for you.  According to the forecast, our Winter is mostly done for except for some cold nights.  

That's about it for this post.  There's been some talk in the articles about a novel approach to fighting HIV.  They want to use antibodies from or similar to those found in the small number of people actually resistant to HIV.    They've talked about this for years.  If it goes beyond conjecture, I'll post more on the topic.


Thursday, February 2, 2017

Groundhogs & Another PrEP Failure...

Well it's the 2nd of February & that makes it Groundhog Day.  It's rather dismal & I doubt there's much shadow casting going on out there.  I hope there's more Winter.  We could use it, but the forecast are showing a warmer than average February for Oklahoma.

This article is about another PrEP failure in a person adhering to the regimen.  This was in Canada & it turns out the strain was genetically resistant to both medicines in Truvada.  A condom is still a good investment even with PrEP.  It may seem Truvada failure is still insignificantly low, but that's based on the number of cases actually known & revealed. It could be higher.  Even without that, I doubt the number seems insignificant to those that PrEP failed.

I have to head out in a bit, so this will be it for now.  Take care.


Wednesday, February 1, 2017

Hello February...

Hello February, I hope you're less stressful than January.   I'm really beginning to wonder if that's possible.  It seems like every month has decided to match or surpass the prior month on agita.  All this constant irritation & stress has left me with the realization, this is probably all there is or will be.    Still I hope this month might be a little better.  

The warm weather is turning back to seasonal chilliness.  We'll have a least a few more nights below freezing.  Unless another weather pattern warms them up as well.  I didn't get the dead grass I wanted or the dead bugs.   I saw the little purple flowery tops of clover in the backyard today.  Normally, I think it's pretty, but it's the 1st day of February.  Die already.   At least there's a cardinal playing in the crepe myrtle.

I found this article   It's about LASER-ART or long-acting slow effective release antiretroviral therapy.  It's not about changing the HIV meds, but how they're introduced into the body.  This is the method they're hoping to use for long lasting injections.  Instead of having meds ingested daily or more often, they'd be administered every few weeks or even larger intervals, perhaps months.  This could be a serious game changer for regimen adherence.  I'll keep a look out on this topic.

Take care & try to find some happy thoughts.
