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Tuesday, September 13, 2016

Not So Hot Tuesday...

For over a week, the electric company has been trimming branches in the neighborhood.   It's to keep them from breaking power lines this Winter.  The cutting, spraying, & chipping has filled the air with an immense amount of debris.  It's made the air almost palpable.  Combine that with the already high levels of ragweed & other pollen & breathing becomes very difficult.  

My roomie, the cats & myself are all being affected by this mess.  Screwed up, draining eyes, congested ears, stuffy nose/head, coughing, wheezing, etc...  I''ll so glad when this crap passes.

Even with allergy meds, I'm having a difficult time.  My eyes are so fuzzed & watering it's  hard to see what I'm typing on the screen.   I'm ending for now, maybe tomorrow will be better.


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