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Monday, April 22, 2024

Ugh Over...

The ugh is over for now.  I got up early & called to speak to a caseworker.   The state has stupidly closed the physical offices & made them work from home.  Now, no one has an assigned caseworker.  It's just whoever's on the line when you call. 

For some reason my application was only making it to part of the system.  Go figure, a computer glitch screwed me, how cliché.  I was expecting a huge wait time, but I actually got on the line a couple of minutes before they opened for business.  Their system has a lot on the frontend of the call to get through.  I talked to the 1st tier for a couple of minutes & then got transferred.  Luckily I was 1st in line & had no wait time.  The whole thing took about 25 minutes.  Far better than what my roomie's been on with them.

All seems well for now, but I didn't need that stress.   Why is it streamlining businesses only seems to help the business's wallet & never the people using it?

That's all, take care.


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