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Monday, April 8, 2024

Shopping, Eclipse & Acknowledgement...

We'll head out in a bit to go shopping.  That's the extent of our to-do's today.   Then we'll await the eclipse.  It might be too cloudy to see much.  Maybe it'll peak through.  

Things in your life should be noted & recognized.  But some believe acknowledging anything but the positive in your life is whining, complaining or just for show.  That's not true.  Choosing to recognize only the good things on your journey is deceptive, misleading & possibly harmful.

Many unwanted things happen to us that we didn't incur.  The internet went out, clouds blocked the view,  storms broke something, etc...   Those are things that happened, speaking of them doesn't make you a whiner or attention seeker.  

The toxic positivity folks, the control freaks & the rest against speaking about the negative things in our lives are just as lost as everyone else.  They talk in mantras or proverbs that mean nothing & provide little comfort.  They shield themselves with their pollyanna views & rose colored glasses.  The controllers battle everything with force & anger hoping it will get them through.

Good things should be recognized.  But the not so great things need acknowledgement as well.  Maybe don't dwell there, but remember how they impacted your life.  Move forward as you can.  You are the sum of your existence; good, bad & otherwise.  That's not for anyone else to judge.

Take care.

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