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Sunday, April 21, 2024

Ugh Continues...


The waiting game continues.   I can't find out about my renewal until Monday.  I slept a little better than the night before.  At least it's a brighter this morning.  

I've never been the best with stress.  But, it's to the point I really can't handle much of anything well these days.  I don't bend anymore, I break.  Sometimes it feels like I shatter & never get all the pieces back.  Even if I do they don't seem to be in the right order.  Stressors are beyond difficult for me, they're wrecking me.  I try to do what I can to avoid them, but there's always something.

Tomorrow morning I'll find out what I can.  Until then, I wait.  I hate waiting.  There's no reason for the government not to be 24/7.

Take care & I'll try to do the same.


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