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Wednesday, April 17, 2024

Interesting & Idiotic...


I have a dental cleaning today, so this morning's a bit of a rush job.  I still have to get cleaned up, deal with trash, eat, rebrush my teeth, then drive over to Fort Smith.  We'll grab something to eat & run an errand.

For the interesting point.  This piece is looking at whether of not common HIV meds may inhibit Alzheimer's.  Apparently there was enough of range difference in HIV+ people on meds & HIV- people to garner a look. 

Onto the idiot, Aaron Rodgers.   This pro football QB must be the most qualified person in the sport.  It seems he's a world class physician, immunologist, virologist & vector theorist.   He's still saying HIV was a government made illness & it was just a precursor for things like COVID.  He believes people like Fauci, CDC officials, drug companies & others made up the illnesses.  It sounds like some capitalist, social control conspiracy.   He claims  being villainized for doing his own research.  After all, he can read.  Yeah, but so can a lot of kindergarten children.  Just because you can read the words, doesn't mean your comprehend what's being stated.

So appointments, interests & idiots is how I'll start my day.  Take care.


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