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Monday, April 24, 2023

Off Mornings....


Even though it's colder than I'd like, the seasonal change is happening.  Part of the problem with that is that in the morning for a short blip I'm getting enough light to start waking me.  Lately that's been accompanied by a lot of noise.  If noises are consistent or familiar, I'll sleep through them.  I'm not sure what's waking me.   I hope it goes away or I acclimate to it soon.  It's screwing with my sleep.  It's waking me & then I'm falling back into a really deep sleep.  That makes waking at my normal time awkward & often a little stressful.  I don't need something messing  with my sleep.  I've got enough issues.

That's it for me.  I'm waking up cold & fairly off.  It's off to go shopping.  Take care.


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