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Thursday, April 27, 2023

Another Wave...


When I first started dealing with SAD, it mainly occurred during the late Fall.  Generally, once the new year was rolling around I was doing better.  That hasn't been the case for a while.  Like the seasons & light, my SAD experiences have shifted.  I can still experience some in the late Fall, but I'm generally doing better until late February.  In recents years that's lasted well into March.  This year, well it's still here & it's almost May.

The longer this lasts, the harder it is.  I have less & less strength left to handle it.  We've had a few false starts to a sunny Spring time.  I'm thinking Spring has skipped the year & just left us with a dark, rainy season.  Then it'll be Summer.  I haven't put WInter things away.  I haven't handled some yard things, I'd normally have handled in late March.  It's been too dark, cold & wet.

For those of you that don't face SAD, count yourselves fortunate.  But do know, people can develop it at different ages, especially if the light conditions change.  That's all for now, take care.


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