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Wednesday, April 19, 2023

Breach Of Faith...


In the past there were a lot of things I used or had in my life that were reliable.  They may not have been the greatest, but they were dependable.  I have very few of those left.  Over the years I've lost a pharmacy, a mechanic & dentist.  I've lost confidence with the local mail & I'm not sure how much longer my primary doctor will be in the game.  But yesterday something altered I wasn't expecting.

Netflix announced it will no longer be in the DVD business.  It will end the service in September.  I've been a member since March 2003.  I joined so I could something to watch.  Most the video services in our area were dying out.   Those red envelopes helped get me through those early years with HIV & being on disability.  

This sudden announcement throw me.  I was suddenly right back there all those years ago looking for something.  It's not then, but I guess I am looking for something.  I just doubt I'll find something to replace this service.  I don't want to go back to a single DVD with late fees type service again.  

I know these are businesses, but I was loyal to them & tried to build as much a rapport as possible.  But, each time in the end, I was nothing to be concerned with.  Netflix & others casually discard people who depended on their services.  They wonder why there's so little brand loyalty these days.  Many people don't have good enough internet to stream.  Frankly, Netflix's streaming isn't worth it.  Other than the very few theatrical releases they still get, they're original content in beyond subpar.  Their stuff is more like early an 80s cable access show.  Cute for then, not tolerable now.

I'm a little crushed at the moment.  I'm losing something I've had for over 2 decades.  Some people are thanking the company for the years.   Yeah right.  Screw you Netflix for being yet another good thing that just left.  May your  future business ventures be as well crafted as you crappy original programming.


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