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Saturday, April 29, 2023

Maybe An End...

No Promises, because we've been here several times already this Spring.   The forecast does make it look like after the next few days, the 40s may be gone for the season.  Like I said, we've been here before many times since March.  At this point we're nearly as close to the beginning of Summer as we are the start of Spring.  It'd be nice if the weather acted like it.

This season has taken a toll on me.  I'm not in the best way of things.  I'm very glad I have alone time in the morning.  If not, I'd probably already have killed people.  I'm never a morning person, but during this, that doesn't even come close to describing how irritable I am in the early AM.  To all you perky morning people, a resounding, thunderous, "Fuck Off!" People who are chipper & perky in the morning are actually just demons sent to torment normal people.


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