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Tuesday, January 24, 2023

Tiny Ions & More...


This won't be long because the important details are in this article.  This all relates to an ion referred to IP6.   If there is more info out there on this ion besides what's in the article, I didn't find it this morning.  The important thing is this ion is part of capsid of the HIV virus.  The capsid is basically a shell holding the genetic information of the virus.  If this is harmed or prevented from replicating, the virus is inhibited.  Capsid inhibitors have been big research matters.

I've been posting about Lenacapavir.  It was recently approved under the name Sunlenca.   It is a long acting HIV medication.  The 1st in class to inhibit the HIV capsid.  

Give this article & the links a read.  This is a very notable development. Take care.


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