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Tuesday, January 17, 2023

But, But But...


Over the years I've read about many plans to end HIV.  Many of them sound possible if funded well enough.  Still, it never takes long for someone or some group to start picking at the plan.  It doesn't do this or that.  It doesn't focus on that group or these people.  Often the plan is abandoned.  The latest of these plans is already being ambushed.  I didn't even read this plan, but apparently it for some it doesn't do enough for children.  It will probably be trashed.

People please, no plan will ever be perfect.  We have to start somewhere & refocus as needed.  Who ever said it was going to be just 1 plan?   If every plan gets torn to shreds, nothing will ever move forward.  

Maybe that's exactly what these people really.  If HIV gets fixed what will their project?  What will they focus on?  What will be their identity?   I really do think some people would rather keep their identity as an HIV or other ailment activist than actually see the illness cured.  Talk about Munchausen's .


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