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Saturday, January 21, 2023

Tennessee's Ass...


According to this piece & others, for some reason, the leaders of Tennessee in their grand stupidity, err "wisdom", have decided to no longer accept federal HIV funding.  State officials sent out a letter to local care & service providers they would no longer receive federal grant monies through the state.  The state claims it will handle the managerial & financial aspects of such matters. 

This will effectively shutter many care centers.  It will isolate many people with HIV.  It will elementate many testing & awareness programs.  The only thing this will result in is more people with HIV & no means of handling it.

This is what conservatives do, they spread their hateful agenda at the cost lives & well being.  People will die from decisions like this.  That's alright for them because they hate the kind of people who get HIV anyway.   Republicans are the party of Hate.


PS - It's been a month since Tinkerbell's last day. I hope her journeys are amazing.  I hope she always knows she was loved & was a great part of our lives that is missed.

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