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Sunday, January 15, 2023



There's been a lot of over stimulation these last few years, probably longer.  The problem is, nothing ever settles & no one gets to come down off the edge.   That's been our life for some time.  We've been trying to trim things back.  It isn't an easy undergoing, but I think we're making some progress. 

Even on nothing days like today, there's stuff flitting around.  Things to do, things we're trying to finish, etc...  Today, there's the constant rustle of annoying wind.  Wind didn't used to bother me, but now it's just another thing rubbing against the grain. 

I don't need to be alone in an isolation zone.  But, I do understand the want to lessen the constant input of stimulation; wind, heaters, cold, fuzzy blankets, to-do lists, day-to-day things, etc...  Sometimes, a switch to push for 5 minutes of nothing would be awesome.  There are times when even listening to songs I like is just too much at the moment.  I'd just like to control where I spent my attention & it wouldn't be on other people's crap or the irritating weather.

If you can, for a few minutes, stop, breathe & tell everything else to F'off.  


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