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Wednesday, January 25, 2023

January Snow & Blue Light...


Lucy Van Pelt would've been happy, we had January snow.   She won't consider eating it before.   We had somewhere around 6".  Places just north of us were said to have had a foot.  Luckily, it's already melting away.  Snow, you're pretty, but you can go now.

The articles are still about the vaccine failure & Tennessee's stupid decision to refuse federal funds for fighting HIV.  Rumor has it, that they did so because some of the monies may have gone to Planned Parenthood.

On a weird note, several times last night, the skies turned a bluish green.   There were reports of a blue-green comet & a meteor shower.  I'm guessing that's what we saw.  I still haven't found anything confirming it though.

That's it for now;  snow, no articles, blue space lights & cold.  Take care.


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