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Tuesday, January 31, 2023



Short post.  Everything is covered with a hard, icy crust.  I'm trying to get things a little better, so things will thaw out faster.  I hate Winter.  

I didn't see any articles, so this is it for now.  Saty safe.  Take care.


Sunday, January 29, 2023

20 Years & Change...


This piece tells of how on this day in 2003 President George W. Bush announced in the State Of Union Address the US President’s Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief or PEPFAR.   Not only was this a means to engage HIV at that time, but a hope of ending HIV.

It took over 2 decades for a President to do something like this for HIV.  It shows the fulls wing of the Republican party.  Ronald Reagan cowardly avoided dealing with HIV, even when it affected people he knew directly.  Slowly the party evolved. Then rapidly it descended back into hatred, bigotry & fear.    Trump all but defunded programs & now some governors are refusing federal monies to fight HIV.  Republicans are 1 of the biggest obstacles in the fight against HIV.

Give the piece & adjoining links a link a chance.  It's an interesting read.  Take care.


Saturday, January 28, 2023



I saw a few articles today over important topics.  Each piece concerned what some might consider less developed countries.  They presented their cases why we should be concerned, if not outraged, over the lack of action concerning HIV in these areas.  

We should be concerned with people not receiving HIV care.  However, I can't be overly involved in a situation half a world away.  I can't be concerned when there are places in our country, as economically depressed.   Places where little help comes, because this is the US.  Places where conservative, religion zealots denounce & reject federal monies to fight AIDS, because of their beliefs.

While I'm sympathetic to people in other lands dealing with HIV.  I'm more concerned with what's nearly right on my doorstep.  I have to wonder how long it will keep its distance.  How long before it's a direct threat to me.  Those people in far off lands are an abstract.  Actions in southern states like Tennessee are a reality.  Memphis is just over 300 miles away.  These other places are 1,000's of miles away across oceans.

Stop telling me how well I have it.  Stop telling me to focus on issues around the world, when danger is so much closer.  Don't ask me to sacrifice my well being for people across the world.  I won't do it.


Friday, January 27, 2023

Last January Friday 2023...


So far 2023 hasn't been too difficult.  It's the last Friday of the month & things seem alright.  Other than some cold & snow, the weather hasn't been too much.  It's been cold & February is supposed to open rough.

For now, it's bright & warmer.   We'll go shopping & next week will wrap up the month.  It'd been nice to have a month not seriously screw up.  The last time was August.  

That's all for now, take care.


Thursday, January 26, 2023

Brighter & Warmer....


Another "no article" day.   People are still going over things I've already covered.  They're important matters, but that doesn't help my blog much.

It's a little warmer & a lot brighter this morning.  Hopefully most of the snow will melt off today.   This upcoming week could have challenging weather.  The forecast keeps changing, so It's a wait & see game.  It'd be nice not to get any further bad weather.

That's it for now, take care.


Wednesday, January 25, 2023

January Snow & Blue Light...


Lucy Van Pelt would've been happy, we had January snow.   She won't consider eating it before.   We had somewhere around 6".  Places just north of us were said to have had a foot.  Luckily, it's already melting away.  Snow, you're pretty, but you can go now.

The articles are still about the vaccine failure & Tennessee's stupid decision to refuse federal funds for fighting HIV.  Rumor has it, that they did so because some of the monies may have gone to Planned Parenthood.

On a weird note, several times last night, the skies turned a bluish green.   There were reports of a blue-green comet & a meteor shower.  I'm guessing that's what we saw.  I still haven't found anything confirming it though.

That's it for now;  snow, no articles, blue space lights & cold.  Take care.


Tuesday, January 24, 2023

Tiny Ions & More...


This won't be long because the important details are in this article.  This all relates to an ion referred to IP6.   If there is more info out there on this ion besides what's in the article, I didn't find it this morning.  The important thing is this ion is part of capsid of the HIV virus.  The capsid is basically a shell holding the genetic information of the virus.  If this is harmed or prevented from replicating, the virus is inhibited.  Capsid inhibitors have been big research matters.

I've been posting about Lenacapavir.  It was recently approved under the name Sunlenca.   It is a long acting HIV medication.  The 1st in class to inhibit the HIV capsid.  

Give this article & the links a read.  This is a very notable development. Take care.


Monday, January 23, 2023

Shopping & Rescheduling...


We'll go shopping in a bit.  That part of our schedule is in tact.  Any plans for Wednesday are going have to happen tomorrow or wait.  There's supposed to be some serious snow.  It might not show at all or it could be a blizzard.  It's hard to tell around here.  Either way, plans will have to be adjusted.

That's about all for now.  The articles are still talking about the vaccine trial getting terminated.  It's a hard blow, but should've been at least somewhat expected.   It isn't the 1st vaccine trial to fail.  

Take care.


Sunday, January 22, 2023

Dim Sunday...


The cold is setting back in on us.  Too bad it brought the drear as well.   There weren't many articles this morning & the lack of light isn't prompting anything creative for me.  This is it for now.  This week will be cold.  We could get some snow.  Maybe there'll actually be some sunlight. 

Take care.


Saturday, January 21, 2023

Tennessee's Ass...


According to this piece & others, for some reason, the leaders of Tennessee in their grand stupidity, err "wisdom", have decided to no longer accept federal HIV funding.  State officials sent out a letter to local care & service providers they would no longer receive federal grant monies through the state.  The state claims it will handle the managerial & financial aspects of such matters. 

This will effectively shutter many care centers.  It will isolate many people with HIV.  It will elementate many testing & awareness programs.  The only thing this will result in is more people with HIV & no means of handling it.

This is what conservatives do, they spread their hateful agenda at the cost lives & well being.  People will die from decisions like this.  That's alright for them because they hate the kind of people who get HIV anyway.   Republicans are the party of Hate.


PS - It's been a month since Tinkerbell's last day. I hope her journeys are amazing.  I hope she always knows she was loved & was a great part of our lives that is missed.

Friday, January 20, 2023

Chilly 3rd Friday...


It got cold again.  I guess it remembered we're still in January.  It's not bad, but we still had to leave the faucets dripping & will probably have to for the remainder of the month.  

It's the 3rd Friday of 2023.  We're ⅔ the way through January.  I'm not sure how much better this year will be than last.  It'd be nice if the answer to the query was, "A lot".

We'll go shopping here in a bit.  It's time get stuff for the weekend.  It'd be nice to find something new & interesting. 

Take care.


Thursday, January 19, 2023

Not Surprising...

There was unpleasant, but not surprising news this morning.  This piece details,
Janssen Pharmaceuticals ended a global trial after independent experts determined the vaccine was not effective. But there are other possibilities in the pipeline, scientists said.

The article goes into more detail of how the company better known as Johnson & Johnson to most, had to discontinue it's pursuit into the only HIV vaccine in advanced trials.   This isn't good news, but it comes with the territory.  It also isn't a complete loss.  It likely garnered a lot of valuable information  during the trial.  That will push the pursuit forward for a vaccine.

So, maybe not today or even tomorrow, but someday is still a possibility.  Even though this is science, things often don't go as planned.  Failures pave the way forward.  No one ever walked that didn't fall down in the beginning. 


Wednesday, January 18, 2023

Reaction To Long Acting...


This is going to be short.  It's threatening to storm, so I want to get this over with in case it kills the net or power.  This article is an OpEd about a man's reaction to making the switch from HIV pills to long an acting injection.  It doesn't answer every question, but it's definitely a perspective.  It also asks the question of whether or not adherence would be any better.  It'd be easier yes, but not necessarily better.

That's all for take care.


Tuesday, January 17, 2023

But, But But...


Over the years I've read about many plans to end HIV.  Many of them sound possible if funded well enough.  Still, it never takes long for someone or some group to start picking at the plan.  It doesn't do this or that.  It doesn't focus on that group or these people.  Often the plan is abandoned.  The latest of these plans is already being ambushed.  I didn't even read this plan, but apparently it for some it doesn't do enough for children.  It will probably be trashed.

People please, no plan will ever be perfect.  We have to start somewhere & refocus as needed.  Who ever said it was going to be just 1 plan?   If every plan gets torn to shreds, nothing will ever move forward.  

Maybe that's exactly what these people really.  If HIV gets fixed what will their project?  What will they focus on?  What will be their identity?   I really do think some people would rather keep their identity as an HIV or other ailment activist than actually see the illness cured.  Talk about Munchausen's .


Monday, January 16, 2023



Not a lot of articles out this morning & we have to go shopping soon so this will be short.  There are a few good websites out there for HIV, like  There's also The Lancet HIV.  The Lancet HIV is part of the larger journal, The Lancet, which is more for general med, but there are other specialities besides HIV.  I've covered most the material currently there, but if you need info, they're good places to start.

That's it for now, take care.


Sunday, January 15, 2023



There's been a lot of over stimulation these last few years, probably longer.  The problem is, nothing ever settles & no one gets to come down off the edge.   That's been our life for some time.  We've been trying to trim things back.  It isn't an easy undergoing, but I think we're making some progress. 

Even on nothing days like today, there's stuff flitting around.  Things to do, things we're trying to finish, etc...  Today, there's the constant rustle of annoying wind.  Wind didn't used to bother me, but now it's just another thing rubbing against the grain. 

I don't need to be alone in an isolation zone.  But, I do understand the want to lessen the constant input of stimulation; wind, heaters, cold, fuzzy blankets, to-do lists, day-to-day things, etc...  Sometimes, a switch to push for 5 minutes of nothing would be awesome.  There are times when even listening to songs I like is just too much at the moment.  I'd just like to control where I spent my attention & it wouldn't be on other people's crap or the irritating weather.

If you can, for a few minutes, stop, breathe & tell everything else to F'off.  


Saturday, January 14, 2023

No More By....


There's been a buzz for some time about ending HIV globally or in certain countries by a given date.  The UK is back at it, ending HIV by 2030.  I'm not going to argue with the viability of the idea.  However, I do know somethings about the idea.

HIV will only ever be defeated by utterly controlling the presence of the virus.  Then possibly it could be contained or elementated.  If contained, those people would eventually die due to age or other issues.  Still this approach demands a lot.

Even if a vaccine was created, there would still be need for the other matters.  For HIV to be managed into non-existence, it would require massive awareness/education programs.  It would require systemic & systematic testing of the entire population.  Then, there would be treatment & control.  

All of this is doable.  However, it'd require at least 2 things;  immense resources & an utter compliance.   If the resources weren't available, if the population & its leaders wouldn't cooperate, this would not work.

There is still no reason to believe most the world's population would cooperate.  They won't even get vaccinated for measles.  There's no sound plan on financing this venture.  I wish these things weren't true, but they are.  At this point, the only chance to see a real end of HIV is either via the creation of a cheap, wonder cure or the death of every HIV+ person on the planet.

I'd love better options, but I don't see any.  HIV is decades old & there's still no real sign of ending it in sight.  This is because people suck & want something to shame.  They fear.  Most of all, they hate someone having resources given to others instead of them.


Friday, January 13, 2023

Mail Ugh...


The mail issue is getting annoying.  Mail will not run on Monday the 16th, because of MLK Day.  I'm not annoyed at a single holiday  However in 21 days, 3 weeks, there will have been 3 mail days missed.  3 times the banks were closed.  3 times for bills & other matters to be delayed.  This is a bit much in 3 weeks;  Christmas Observed 12/26/22, New Year's Observed 01/01/23 & the MLK Day 1/16/23.  Stop screwing with the mail.  I seriously dislike this observed thing.  If it has to happen, make it the Friday, not the Monday.  Mondays are always rougher mail days.  

OK, rant's over.  Happy Jason Voorhees' Day.


Thursday, January 12, 2023

It's Back...


Oh well, the nice respite of bright & warm has come to an end.  The cold drear has rolled it's unwanted self back into the area.  I shouldn't complain too much, it is January.   Still, the only thing I like about Winter & it's weather, is when it all comes to an end.

There isn't much going on here today.  That's OK, we'll have things to handle tomorrow.  For now, this is it, take care.


Wednesday, January 11, 2023



There's lots to be irritated with like the weather, allergies or seasons in general.  This morning however, I'm irritated there was another paywall concerning info about a newly approved HIV med.  I've posted on it before, but this info could've been beneficial.  

Lenacapavir is the 1st in class capsid inhibitor.   This med is supposed to be able to inhibit many functions of the virus.  That article is important.  Maybe soon, someone else will repost the info & not be behind a paywall.

Paywalls on medical information are prohibitive to people getting information that might better their health.  Yes, sites need cash to function.  Still, there's got to be a better way.

That's all for now, take care.


Tuesday, January 10, 2023

Still Looking...


Today marks the 3rd week since I held our cat, Tinkerbell.  Technically that's not true, tomorrow is more accurate.  But this day was the last time, she was looking back at me & being her beautiful self.  She made her farewells to me that day.  I think she knew it.  I know we expected it, but it was still was hard.  

Every morning, I walk out of my bedroom & scan the living room to look for her.  I did this to see where she'd slept that night.  How she was doing.  Did she need anything.  Now, there's just a room & no Tinkerbell.  I'll adjust, but for now, it's still very strange not to see her nestled up somewhere or catching the morning sun near the windows.

I may be prejudice, because she was our cat & I think this about all cats.  Tinkerbell was a grand, beautiful cat.  She will be & is missed.  Somehow as a person living with a cat, you rarely feel like you did enough.  Even if you did all you could.  I hope next time around she gets the amazing life she deserved.  

I'm sure I'll keep looking for some time.


Monday, January 9, 2023



We had to leave the taps dripping last night.   They're aren't the only dripping either.   So far this year has had a lot of heaters, fuzzy blankets, people burning things & pollen.  All of these have irritated my nose & it's been sneezy & runny for a bit.  There really isn't anything I like about Winter or cold weather. 

We have to go shopping in a bit.  It's supposed to warm up some this afternoon.  That's been nice, but it won't last.  It is still January & February is lurking just around the corner.  It'll be at least mid March before we have consistently better weather.  Then they're will Spring issues like more pollen & storms.

That's all for now, take care.


Sunday, January 8, 2023

That's That...


Just like that, the 1st week of 2023 has past.  That's 7 days between us & 2022.  I'm not sure that's enough, there may never be enough space between us & that year.  There are 357 more days for 2023 to be better than its predecessor.

It's a little chilly this morning, but again I'm thankful it's bright outside.  Sunny mornings make this time of the year much easier on me.  Things have been changing around here the last few years.  February has become our hardest Winter month.  We don't have nearly as many cold season birds in the yard.   Every year there seems to be less of the nice things & more of the hard.  I wish I was imagining that.  It appears the days of bountiful hummers, dragons, red birds & mockingbirds have passed.  Maybe they'll find their way back.  If not, I'm thankful for the time with them.

That's all for the start of this 2nd week of 2023.


Saturday, January 7, 2023

Everything Else...


Since this blog was about living with HIV in rural Oklahoma I'd like to point a few things.  While most of the points I make tend to deal with that topic, often I can't find articles I'd like to discuss.  When I do find  interesting articles, they're usually very general topics, like new meds or ideas about HIV.  

In the past, if I've found pieces dealing with rural areas, they're just as apt to be overseas & therefore not very applicable to my situation.  HIV in small town America isn't a popular subject.  Even though a lot of HIV+ people came from these places.  As for Oklahoma, there's been less than an article a year concerning HIV in this state.  I've keyworded the state 19 times during this blog & only a few are dealing with articles.  The rest are about politics & COVID. 

Being HIV+ in a rural area isn't easy.  There are hardly any resources & it isn't necessarily the safest thing for people to know your status.  People often talk about the things those living rural areas should be doing, like using public transit.  What they don't seem to register is that those options are not available in small towns or countrysides.  Ignorance isn't just affecting the virus transmission, it impacts the treatment & care of everyone no matter what their situation.

Some might think that how I haven't managed to discuss more local, rural & even small town issues is a failure for the blog.  But, in reality, it is what it's always been, out of sight, out of mind.  Urban people & organizations just don't think about small towns.   It isn't writers like me who have failed.  It's the mentality of this society in how it treats everything outside a metro area, like it doesn't or shouldn't exist.


Friday, January 6, 2023

Chilly Friday Morning...


The 1st Friday of January started off gray & cold.  It's beginning to brighten some & it's supposed to get to the 60s.  It's hard to be upset about it being cold in January, but I still don't like it. 

We have some errands & shopping to handle.  There isn't much else we need to do today.   So far January has been kinder than December was.  Early December was rough on us.  Then again, there's a lot left in the month.  Hopefully, the drama will be minimal.  At least for now it's get brighter.

Take care.


Thursday, January 5, 2023

1st Down Day Of 2023...


Today is the 1st day of the new year, that we haven't had something going on, to do or weren't stressing over something from 2022.   It's chilly this morning, but it's January.  It's also sunny out, so I'll take that as a good thing.  Tomorrow may have all those ick things again & it may be dreary, but for now, this moment is good.

I can relate to some anxiety my roomie is having.  She's trying a new med & that's always trying.  Even if it's something you're fairly familiar with, there's always questions & worries.  If it's unlike anything you've taken before, it can be seriously bothersome.  When I began switching from my massive HIV cocktail eventually down to a single pill, it was very weird.  I was relieved it was just 1 pill, but also worried it wouldn't work.

Med anxiety is common & to be expected.  Every med comes with a shopping list of issues, interactions & side effects.   Not being a little concerned with a new med is more of an issue, than be cautious about them.  If you have to start a new med & you're nervous, make sure your provider understands this.  Maybe they can help you through your nerves or give you suggestions about the med.

That's all for now, take care.


Wednesday, January 4, 2023

Just More Stupid...


Since the mid 2010's, there's been news & I've blogged about how economic upheaval, homelessness & IV drug use has caused upticks & outbreaks of HIV in states like Indiana, Ohio, Kentucky & West Virginia.  The biggest problem here is that these states are mostly very conservative. 

They have fought nearly every program to aid with the baseline issues leading to these matters.  But any attempts to assist in jobs, medicaid, housing & especially drug matters have hit brick walls.  This article talks about West Virginia's latest decision to block a clean needle program, even though it was suggested by the CDC.

This is just another example of the stupidity conservatives employ when dealing with people. Somewhere between ⅔ - ¾ of new HIV transmissions in the area for the last few years has been through IV drug usage.  Meaning these transmissions were due to dirty/used needles.  Even with the most basic logic, the people of West Virginia can't get behind a needle programs.  

Just more stupid.


Tuesday, January 3, 2023

12 & 23...


It's my blog's 12th anniversary.  I've not stuck with much of anything this long.  This blog is a history of my life, much of it dealing with HIV.  It's old enough to be in 7th grade.  I'd like a good year.  January & I don't have a great relationship.  I'm either sick, recovering or someone's passed.  2022 wasn't easy on me.  The last several years have been fairly awful.  Let's see if 2023 can do any better.  The bar's really low.  Here's to another year.

This is my 23st HIV Day.  On January 3, 2000, I was diagnosed, so my HIV status is actually older.  It'd be nice to think this virus could vanish as people like me  get older.  I don't think that will happen, but it'd be  something if HIV was just a bad memory.  Here's to the upcoming year, cheers & hoorah!  Raise a glass!

Thanks for reading.  Take care & be kind.  


Monday, January 2, 2023

Start Maybes...


There might be storms today, the various weather sites can't commit on the matter.  If there are storms, I hope they aren't serious.   There was a house matter we thought we had settled.  It was dropped in our lap on Saturday that it might be as settled as we thought.   Thanks to observing holidays on off-days (which I hate), we won't know anything until tomorrow.

I need to get this year started.  Take out the old, start dealing with the new.  Pay the 1st bills, run the errands beginning the year.  It would seem time for me to take down our scant holiday decorations.  Until next year.

Hope the year is starting well for everyone.  Take cae.


Sunday, January 1, 2023



2023 is here & that other year has left the place in shambles.  There are a lot of things from last year still up in the air.  I can't do much about most of it at this time.  It may storm tomorrow, but at least I woke up on the 1st day of 2023 to bright, sunny skies. 

Some people have lists of things they'd like from the year or themselves.  I almost never get what I ask for.  I'll just hope this will be a peaceful, kind year with joy in it.  2022 brought enough anxiety, cruelty & sadness for a lifetime.

Take care & Happy New Year.  May 2023 be kind to us all.
