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Saturday, March 27, 2021

Full Night...


I did something rare for me.  I actually got 8  hours of sleep last night.  I'm usually around 7 to slightly over.   Sometimes I get less.  A night or so of getting less is OK.  After that, I start feeling off quick.  The strange thing is 8 hours of sleep always leaves me waking very groggy.   It takes me quite a while to actually feel fully functional.  

I woke to brighter skies, but they clouded over quickly.  We  have more  rain chances.  After that last round, we passed our monthly average.   These grey skies don't mix well with being groggy.  

Maybe some people are meant to get 8+ hours per night.   I don't think that's true for all of us.  Unless I'm sick, it always feel like too much.   I'll be normal here in a bit, but that much sleep, grey  skies & allergies are a lot to move past in the morning.

That's all for me.   In your life, the things people tell you that you need, like 8 hours of sleep, may not always work for you.  That's OK.  Figure what does work & stick to that.  It's your life, it should be livable for you, not others. Take care.


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