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Sunday, March 7, 2021

1 Down...


The 1st full week of March is over.  The beginning of  the month is always busy, but this was a bit much.  We had our normal routines, as well as getting vaccinated & 2 delayed appointments.  Both of our appointments were originally been set for an earlier date.  It would've been easier on us, if they'd happened when they should have.

It's all handled.  We can deal with the rest of the month as it comes.  The forecast calls for a midweek warm up & then back to seasonal temps.  There's a chance for more rain.  We could use it, but I could use the sunlight.

That's all for now, take care.


PS  - The little blue flowers have been back in the yard for a couple of weeks.  They're always the 1st sign of thing s getting warmer & brighter. 

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