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Wednesday, June 17, 2020

Spring's Over...

Weathermen say the season ends with May.  Others wait for the solstice for Summer to begin.   Either way Spring is mostly gone.  It was another weird season; dry or wet, chilly or hot, very seldom with any middle ground.  

The rose of sharon bushes are blooming.  The front  crepe myrtle is the 1st to bloom for a 2nd year.   It's tiny bubblegum blooms got here before the other's fuschia.  Tiger lillies have been blooming for a bit & the elephant ear is thriving.  

I think I saw my 1st hummingbird this morning.  I saw something yesterday, but I put it off as a large moth.  If this was a hummer, it was tiny.    I hope we have more hummers & dragons this year.  We've already had a lot of lightning bugs.   Weird what can make you smile.   It isn't all the mockingbirds & wasps.

Take care & be safe.


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