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Tuesday, June 23, 2020

COVID Collision...

This piece is about a British doctor.  He'd recovered from COVID & had antibodies in his blood.   Medical professionals were urging people who did to donate blood to aid in treatment of others.  He offered, but was declined.  Why?

He's Gay & has an active sex life.   The UK like many places in the world disallow blood donations by active Gays.    You can be the most active, risk taking, careless hetero in the world & be allowed to donate blood.   But, a Gay, never.  

This man's blood could've helped others.  That will never happen.  At least not with him being honest.   It's hard to see the ripples from this denial.   His blood could've saved someone's life.  That someone, could've been anyone, done anything.  Now, we'll never know. 


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