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Thursday, June 25, 2020

Last June Thursday...

We're in the last week of June,  It's been mostly decent to us this year.  With the exception of idiots who insisted on driving our COVID numbers higher.  This could've been over.  I really wish bad things on those people.

I heard the garbage men this morning.   They get here early this time of the year to avoid the heat.   It's been sunny so far & that's nice.  I haven't seen porch cats in a bit & the mockingbirds have gone quiet.  There are still lightning bugs, but no further sign of hummers or dragons.

The tiger lillies & crepes are blooming.  The elephant ears are doing well.  I'm surprised, seeing how little rain we've had this month.  We could be almost 3" shy of our monthly average.

That's about it for now, take care.


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