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Tuesday, June 2, 2020

Fickle, Distracted, In Need Of Drama...

As a nation we're a magician's dream.  With a little prattling, razzle-dazzle & we'll look anywhere & believe/oppose almost anything.  We have the attention span of a gnat.

At the beginning of the year we were into an impeachment, a British prince & Australian wildfires.  Then COVID came on the scene & we were in denial & then angry about how it was handled.  There were protests againsts masks, stimulus issues & social distancing.   That's just a quick glance at the 1st 5 months of 2020.

Now we're dealing with cop violence & reactionary riots.   There's lootings, violence & agitation.   This looks like it, the big thing that could bring change.  Trump's hiding & fist-waving.  Biden's talking to people.  But what about next week?

Soon, some people who think they've worked this drama for all it's worth, will find another.    Then they'll protest over that.   Rampaging, rioting, violent belittling, judging & accusing are the new sports of our culture.  Smoking, drinking & eating fatty foods may be bad for you.  But maybe they were giving people other ways to vent.  A lot of them only rage now.  It's their new drug & they like it.  

Welcome to the crucible.


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