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Wednesday, May 20, 2020

Yesterday's Dubious News...

Yesterday I posted on an injectable form of cabotegravir.  This is a medication I'd posted over before.  It's commercial pushed the medication as being for men or those born male only.   The articles over the injection imply the same.  Those born female were left out of the study.  

Allegedly there are studies going on with med concerning women.   Just not in time for the approval process.  This morning I saw articles praising this step forward in an injectable prevention means for those born male.  Only this piece acknowledged there was a woman problem.  Once again women been left out the study.  Even though women are taking the drug, oral & injected, there's little data on the matter.  Supposedly there are studies undergoing on both forms with women.  Where's the data?  Why not study & present both sexes at the same time?  

Again, women are left out of medical advancements.  I understand males & trans women make up the majority of HIV cases.  That doesn't justify this bias approach to research.  Women's medicine is consistently behind men's.  Why?  I bet that's an ugly answer.


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