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Sunday, May 17, 2020


I'm sick of dreary, rainy days.  I need sunlight.   I'm spent.  It's supposed to be sunnier today.  I hope so, I need it.

There's 1 thing I hate more than not finding articles or finding only rehash/op-ed.  It's advice columnist.   These writers do their smoozy best to come off as accepting & supportive.  That's BS.  

These columnist have serious bias.  They just get these people writing in to show their guts & then the writer stomps on them.  The advisors harbor a slightly more restrained, cooler abhorrence against fringe groups not in vogue.

If the writer is younger, gay, trans, POC or liberal, they are part of the promised people.  Let them be older, white, religious & then by all means tear them down.  Older, white women, especially if slightly more affluent are prime targets.   These writers love telling people in the most Karen of ways just how out of touch they are.  They ridicule them for not being PC & being relics of their time.   

If you aren't part of their target demographic, then your fair game to attack.  To be advice-splained to about all the wrongness that is you.  Funny, I thought that was what the progressives accused of conservative of doing.  It always comes down to, "star on thars."


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