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Thursday, May 14, 2020


I'm not happy with another grey morning.  Windows did the slowest, most sloggy update.  When I looked for articles over HIV, I mostly got things covering coronavirus.  COVID is not HIV.

Some people need to remember they don't exist in a bubble, spatial or temporal.  The attitudes & actions they display during this COVID situation will be remembered.   There's the neutral group, that's  just hunkered down & didn't cause any waves.   There'll be the positive types that tried to distract others with entertainment, happy info & learning new things.   Then there are the asshats.  Those that just had to make matters worse by showing the most negative side of themselves they could.

When this is all said & done, people will remember which group you were in.  You won't be given a free pass just because you were having a bad time or drank the plandemic kool-aid.  You're responsible for your behavior; good, bad or otherwise.   There are no excuses for some people's horrible behavior going on right now.

For the rest of us, take care.


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