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Thursday, May 21, 2020

Thoughts & Appointments...

I have an appointment with a new nurse practitioner this morning.  This should give me  someone to handle referrals, since my primary does so through my insurance.  I hope this goes well.

There's a lot of talk about telemedicine or telehealth becoming a more primary source of medical contact for patients.  While I appreciate the telemedicine I use because it saves me a lot of time, expense & travel.   It has it's limits.  

It's great for a quick a meeting & update.  I wouldn't want it for my regular provider.  Everything about telemedicine is different than direct contact.  Or I handle it differently.  I react to telemed appointments as a visual phone call & my regular appointment as a real world conversation.  I'm far more open in person than over the phone.  Maybe I shouldn't be, but I am.  

Telemedicine will never catch the social, emotional or physical cues, direct contact will.   Most people actually don't like to complain or talk about their health.  Unless a care provider can read the clues, things will slide.

I think telemedicine is great for maintaining a current situation.  However, it has very definite limits.  I understand in some areas, it may be the only option.  For that I'm grateful, but IMO, it'll never be on par with a physical meeting. 


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